Chapter 14

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A couple of hours had passed since Cato and I parted ways, I found a good spot next to a tree to rest for a while. I needed to plan my strategy. An announcement had been made recently that there would be two victors, only if they were from the same district. I didn't know how I felt about it yet. I guess you could say, I was relieved to hear this. Once I am crowned, Cato could be by my side, not that I have feelings for him or anything....but it would be nice not to be the only person who survives this massacre. Besides, the best thing I can do for both of us right now is to keep my distance from him until that time comes. After all, at least I know Cato won't turn up the same way as Glimmer did.I'd rather be alone than letting more innocent people die because of me, even if Glimmer wasn't as innocent as she seems.
"Attention all tributes! Tomorrow night we will have a feast at the cornucopia." The game maker's voice sounded crusty over the recording, "Each of you needs something, desperately." I thought back to the last part he said, each of you needs something desperately. What did I need? I had stolen some leftover supplies from the debris of the fire, that would last at least a couple more days, as for armor, I always kept five, maybe six knives in my pockets. Perhaps now that I'm alone, I should protect myself a bit more. Maybe there would be some sort of armor that would be helpful to me winning.
The next morning was colder than the others, I could feel the chill trickling up my spine as I lumped my way to the cornucopia. I was still recovering from Cato's attack from the other day. I was in no shape to fight, assuming  I don't bump into anyone along the way.
As soon as I arrived, I hid in the bushes, planning my approach. The girl from 5 found her way to her bag then left as quickly as she came. Still figuring out my strategie, I paid closer attention to the bags. There was one for each district, well the remaining ones, at least, one for district 12, another for district 11, and one for district 2. Only one. That means, whatever is in that bag, Cato must be after it too. I'm guessing first grabs, first gets? I'd have to figure it out once I got there. Then, I heard a whisper behind me. I took out a knife not wanting to attract much attention or any sudden movements, I kept my back towards the tribute.
"What do you want?" I demanded.
"Relax Clover, It's just me!"
Cato. He moved a bit closer to me and I tensed.
"I know you probably don't wanna see me, after...yo-you know...."  Cato's tone was no longer angry and full of hatred like the last time we talked, instead he was soft and sorrowful. "Anyways, I just wanted to see how you were doing? And..-well--I guess what I'm trying to say is that I miss having you around."
I miss you too. I so badly wanted to say that, but I couldn't just give in like that plus, I still didn't completely understand what was going on with him.
"If you really wanted to know, I feel like a trainwreck! But I can manage." I ended up saying. A smile returned on his face.
"Good to know that I'm not the only one who feels like that." he replied.
Out of nowhere, Katniss starts sprinting towards the bags, without thinking I threw a knife at her, giving her a small mark on her forehead. I charged for her again, this time we started fighting each other and rolling on the ground for a good minute or so. Once we stopped, I seemed to be on top of her. I put my feet on her hands to block her from freeing herself, while I kept a grip on my knife.
"You know what I'm gonna do to you?" I threatened. "I'm gonna kill you, the same way I killed Rue, just to spite you-"
I was grabbed by the boy from 11 and with his enormous arms, pinned me against the walls of the cornucopia, unable to escape, incapable of even moving.
"Did you do it?" He kept asking, "Was it you?"
"No, NO" I said. I knew whatever I did or not do, it would have fatal consequences if I said "yes". So I decided to ask for help.
"CATO...CATO...Cat0!" Thresh's arm was starting to choke me,  I had to hold on to the last bit of air I had. "catoo...." My vision began to blur. I felt the bitter taste of death of my mouth again, just like it was before Glimmer died. But it disappeared as soon as Thresh let go of me, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. Cato had answered my calls. He and Thresh were now in an intense brawl fight. Waiting for it to end, I tried to look for Katniss, I soon gave up, thinking that she had probably left when Thresh started going after me.
Boom. The cannons went off.
I looked to see Cato standing over Thresh's body and motioning me to come join him. I started walking towards him, after I grabbed the bags from districts 2 and 11 from the feast.
Upon opening the bag marked with a two on it, I found two sets of armor wear, one for Cato and one for me. I gave Cato his, and we both opened the second bag, there were some water bottles in it that we split evenly among the both of us.
"Thanks for saving my life back there," I said, "I owe you one."
"Yeah, of course, I would do that anytime, for you." he said.
I faked a cough, trying to break the conversation, "I think I better get back to my campout." I said, "See you later I guess?"
He looked surprised.
"What? Did you think we were going to be allies again?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"No, I just thought that since we worked together at the feast..." he trailed off.
"It'll only be for a couple of days, then we will be able to win this together and go on with our lives."
He nodded in agreement and we bid our farewells before parting ways once again.

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