15- First day of school

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Alesa Romano

Lorenzo left after giving me and Alexa a gentle kiss on our temples. We stood at our lockers, located on opposite sides of the locker area. I wished she were beside me, but it wasn't a bad thing. It was good to have some space.

I reviewed my schedule; English was my first class. After organizing my books and things that weren't required, I joined Alexa.

She stood with two new friends—a boy and a girl. The boy's face was hidden, but his physique and brown hair caught my attention. He seemed perfect for a 13-year-old.

The girl wore a cute pink and white dress, her blonde shoulder-length hair framing her beautiful smile and sparkling brown eyes.

As I approached, Alexa introduced us. "Guys, meet my twin."

Sophia and Jade smiled warmly. "Hello, I'm Sophia," she said.

"Hey, I'm Jade," he added, his blue eyes locking onto mine.

"I'm Alesa, nice to meet you," I replied.

Alexa shared her schedule, revealing we shared English and Chemistry classes.

With Sophia's guidance, we found our first class.

Confidently, Alexa walked in, her head held high. I trailed behind, nervous and unsure, my head down.

All eyes turned toward us as we entered.

"Are you new students?" our teacher asked. She looked around 40, wearing a blue dress with her hair tied in a high bun and glasses perched on her nose.

"Yes," Alexa replied, smirking. "I'm Alexa Romano, and she's my twin, Alesa Romano."

The class gasped.

"Romano? As in Noah Romano's sisters?" our teacher inquired.

Alexa nodded.

The teacher directed us to find seats.

Alexa sat beside a girl with a bold, badass outfit and makeup.

I joined Kelly, a sweet-looking girl.

"Hello, I'm Kelly," she said, smiling.

"Hey, I'm Alesa," I replied, smiling back.

"How did everyone know we're Noah's sisters?" I wondered.

Why was everyone scared of him?

The principal looked terrified of Lorenzo, and our teacher and classmates reacted strangely.

Curiosity lingered.

We found our seats, and class began.

At lunchtime, I sat with Kelly, Sophia, and Jade.

Alexa joined the popular crowd, including the girl from our English class.

She seemed to have made many friends already.

The bell signaled the end of school.

I waited at the entrance for Alexa.

We planned to ride home with Noah, who attended the same school but was in a different wing.

We hadn't seen him at lunch.

"Sorry, girls, I'm late," Noah said, arriving five minutes after us.

"It's fine," I replied.

Alexa sat in the passenger seat, recounting her day.

"How was your day, Alesa?" Noah asked.

"It was good; I made friends," I replied.

Noah's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"You did what? You made friends?" he asked, chuckling.

I smiled.

The car ride filled with laughter and teasing between Noah and Alexa.

I listened quietly.

We arrived home, and I followed Noah and Alexa inside.

Lorenzo and Dylan greeted us in the living room.

"Welcome back home," Dylan said, kissing my temple.

"How was school, Alesa?" Lorenzo asked.

I sat, drinking a glass of water before responding.

"It was good; I made friends."

Dylan's eyes widened.

Lorenzo quickly masked his shock.

"You did what?" Dylan asked.

"Kelly, Sophia, and Jade," I listed.

"That's good you made friends," Lorenzo said.

"But remember, Jade remains just a friend," he cautioned.

I nodded.

After our chat, I retreated to my room. A relaxing shower and comfortable clothes eased my mind.

Replaying the day, questions swirled.

Why did everyone fear Noah? Why did Lorenzo and our teacher react strangely?

Curiosity lingered.

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