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A.N Shit is totally going down now. Plus a cute thing at the end that you guys will probably love alot.


I went straight back to to SHIELD and back to my office to hopefully get time to myself before I am bombarded with questions from people. I ignored Tom and went straight into my office. I took off my jacket and threw it on the sofa's on the other side of the office. I then slumped onto my desk chair and rubbed my ace with my hands. It was now morning and I had had no sleep at all. I couldn't sleep anyway.

"Ashley, Sharon is here to see you." I heard Tom say through the phone speaker.

"Let her in." I told him. She enterted soon after looking all smart. "You look smart." I told her not showing any emotion at all.

"Thanks. He knows by the way. Steve knows who I am." Sharon told me holding her hands in front of her.

"You were there weren't you? When Fury got shot?" I asked her and she sighed.

"I wasn't there when he actually got shot but I got in after and called the ambulance. I had to reveal myself to Steve otherwise Fury had no chance of surviving." She said and I sat back in my chair.

"Didn't make a different though did it?" I said looking at my black computer screen. "Did you know why Nick was there?" I asked her hopeing she didn't know. I kinda knew she didn't know but I was making sure.

"Nope." She shook at head. "The only person that should know is your boyfriend."

"Yeah well he won't tell me anything." I said before I put my hand over my mouth as I jawned.

"Did you sleep last night?" She asked and I jawned again.

"Nope." I told her.

"You should get some sleep."

"I can't . Got a meeting with Alexander and got to make sure Maria knows what she's doing." I said.

"You made her director I heard." Sharon said crossing her arms.

"Well, me and Nick did ages ago, but that was only if Nick ever, you know." I explained and she nodded understanding. "Do you mind if you leave me alone for now? Kind of need some time to let it sink in that Nick is gone." Sharon smiled lightly and nodded before leaving. I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes from the little number of tears that wanted to make an appearance. I was done crying over people dying. I can't cry anymore. I've cried anough.

I slammed my hands on my desk and went to my weapon wall. I opened it and took out my bo staff. I couldn't sleep so I kept myself awake by practising moves. I swung the staff and moved pretending I was up agaisnt somebody. I twisted the staff in my hand and prentened to swing again. I then heard my door open and two agenst came in. I've never seen them before but that's a usual thing.

"We need to escort you out of the building Ms Gomez. There's been a threat and Agent Sykes has told us to get you out." One of the men said.

"What kind of threat?" I asked.

"A threat you need to leave for.." He answered.

"If you'll follow us." The other agent said. I was suspicious but followed them anyway. I quickly took my bo staff holder and placed it on my back to put my bo staff there. It needed to be somewhere. I walked in the middle of the agents as we walked down the corridor. I then saw Tom ahead talking to someone and he frowned at me.

"Who are those guys?" Tom asked. I frowned and looked at both agents who had there hands on their guns. I sighed. I knew what was going on. I split my bo staff in half and used the left half to smack a gun out of the agents hand, then used the other half to hit the other agent in the face. I then used both to swipe underneath both agents and make them somersault onto the floor. I knelt down as I did and flipped my hair back so I could look at Tom. I made sure the two agents were down before seeing the guy Tom was talking to take his gun out. I got up and walked to him, using the half staffs to knock away his gun and then headbutting him to put him down. Things like that don't hurt me anymore.

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