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A.N Sorry for the really late update on this. I've made a habit of going staying over at my boyfriends house on Sunday's so from now on I'll have to try and update when I can. Sorry if this annoys anyone but I love him and I wanna see him outside of college. Enough of that, let's get back to it.


Once they had us they chucked us in this van and literally trapped us in some stupid contraption thing that had our legs closed together and our arms together which also had a thing round our waist keeping us here. It did nothing but make my wound worse. Those cock suckers. I need to get out and find Bucky. I need to help him.

"It was him." I said emotionless. "Without a doubt."

"He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." I noticed Steve was emotionless too. This was eating away at us both.

"How is that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago." Sam questioned.

"Zola." Steve said and I also knew it was him. "Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and....."

"Erased his memory. Made him a killer and froze him until it was the right time." I had to take a moment to stop the tears from falling and to keep me focused. "I'm gunna kill every single one of them." I said before winching at a shot of pain that ran through my shoulder from the wound. Sam noticed my pain.

"We need to get a doctor here." He told one of the masked men in the back with us. "If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's gunna bleed out here in the truck." Sam was cut off by the guy holding an electric staff up. I looked just in time to see the guy flip over the staff and stab the over guy with it and kick him down. The guy then took the mask off revealing Maria. I love her.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain. Ash, you okay?" She asked me brushing hair out of her face.

"I'm fine. Nice to see you here." I told her. She smiled lightly and nodded before looking at Sam and back to me.

"Who's this guy?" She asked.

"Sam, Maria, Maria, Sam." I introduced them. "Now get us out of here, Maria." She did just that. She got us free and cut a whole in the bottom of the truck so we could easily slip down and out. She took us to a van she had and we got in to be taken to a secret place. Once there, Steve decided to carry me into the place as I was getting weak from the wound. Maria opened a gate and let us in. I saw a guy jogging towards us. He better be good.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Maria shouted to the guy.

"Let me take her!" He shouted waving for me to come with him.

"She'll wanna see him first." Maria said and I became confused.

"Him?" I asked as she lead us to a dark room. She then pushed back some curtains to reveal Nick in a hospital bed with his heart beating. He's alive. "Put me down." I growled through gritted teeth to Steve. He did as I told him but kept an arm round me to keep me up.

"About damn time." Nick said from his bed and I was angry. Oh so angry.

"What the hell is this?" I asked before the guy from before insisted on looking at me wound. So I let him. But my anger was still there.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, collapsed lung, shattered collarbone, perforated liver and one hell of an headache." Nick listed off his injuries.

"You forgot dead." I angrily told him. He sighed in his bed.

"You have to understand Ashley-"

"Understand what? That I was told you were dead but you were actually alive this whole time. You died, Nick. Your heart stopped. I saw it with my own eyes." I told him as the doctor started stitching me up.

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