Two - IM3

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A.N So I had a small idea on where to put Ashley in Iron Man 3, but when I watched the movie again I had to change it because of how different it was set out to how I thought it was. She'll be in most of the movie up to the end because of this. I hope that's alright with you guys. I bet it is.


Today I'm travelling to see Tony and Rhodey. I'm getting my private jet and flying to Malibu to stay for one night and then come back to Washington, as I have a special meeting at SHIELD as I'm giving a lecture to newbies to tell them more about SHIELD and if they actually wanna be there. But I'm letting myself see Tony and Rhodey first before SHIELD get's in the way.

As I finished packing I placed my gun in my back pocket and hid it under my shirt. They won't take it off me if they see me with it though. I'm aloud cause I'm Agent Gomez. I zipped up my bag and carried it to the living room where Steve was watching the tv and eating some cereal. It was early in the morning as it would take me about 5 hours to get to Malibu, and another half hour to get to where I'm meeting the boys.

I smiled at Steve and kissed his cheek before heading to the door.

"Woah, hang on." I heard Steve say and I turned round to face him. "That's all I get before you leave for two days? A kiss on the cheek? I think I'm entitled to more." I sighed and dropped my bag on the floor before walking over, sitting next to him and kissing his lips. His hands moved to the sides of my face keeping me there. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"Don't do anything stupid." I told him before kissing his lips once more and getting up to get my bag.

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Steve said and I turned to smile at him. He got up quickly and hugged me tightly.

"I love you." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I love you too." I told him before opening the door and leaving shutting it behind me. I took a deep breathe before going to my car and going to the airport where my plane was.

I smiled at the pilot, John, and went on board ready for the plane ride ahead. It was nerve racking being on a plane on my own, without Steve, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

*5 hours later*

Once we landed I got my bag and walked out to a car that was waiting for me. The driver gave me the keys and I thanked him before getting in and driving away. I followed the map and found the place where Tony wanted to meet. I parked the car and got out. I made sure no one could find my bag and locked my car.

"Dude, is that Agent Gomez?" I heard someone say as I walked in. Once inside I scanned the place and saw Rhodey sat on a table near a TV. I knew it was Tony sat with him cause, well who else would it be? I smiled and walked up to them.

"Yo, weirdos." I said making them turn to me.

"Hey, Ashley." Rhodey got up and hugged me. Hugging Rhodey, was different from last time.

"Woah, hold up." I said pushing out of Rhodey's arms. "Have you been working out?" I asked and Tony groaned and Rhodey nodded.

"A little bit." Rhodey smiled and I felt his arm.

"Jesus, you have haven't you?" He really had been working out. A cough then interrupted us and Tony was stood there.

"I'm here too if you wanna hug me." I laughed and went over to Tony and hugged him like I haven't seen him in years.

"It's good to see you." I said before pulling away.

"You too. Care to join us?" Tony gestured the the table.

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