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A.N Cheer for an update, but there is a downside, I am ill! Well not dying ill but I've got a really bad throat and I keep coughing and it hurts when I do. I've skipped football because of this because at football you shout a lot and I know it will make my voice worse so I skipped it today. Meaning an update. This will be the last update before a short break for Christmas and then I'll be back updating after. As it seems IM3 is almost finished so after that I will be do one chapter where they go to Stark Tower for Christmas then go into Captain America 2.


Once we met with Rhodey and hugged and said how happy we were to see each other we made our way to the main house where the Mandarin was. Tony was going in first then Rhodey and me were gunna come in through the window. We saw guards go in so we changed the plan a bit.

We let Tony in then once we heard gunshots, me and Rhodey jumped through the window and shot the guards down. Not the way we were suppose to come in but anyway. I stood up and saw the Mandarin, or Trevor, looking at us with a beer in his hand and the football on the TV. English football, not American.

"What have you come as?" Trevor asked Tony who opened his mask. Rhodey put his gun to Trevor but I put mine away as one gun was enough.

"You make a move and I break your face." Rhodey said using his foot to lean Trevor back in his seat.

"I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me." Trevor said and I was starting to believe him.

"This is the mandarin?" Rhodey asked me and I nodded.

"You wouldn't think it would you?" I said.

"Hi, Trevor. Trevor Slattery." Trevor said as he tried to shake Rhodey's hand but he slapped it away. "I know I'm shorter in person. A bit smaller. Everyone says that. But, um, hey, if you're here to arrest me, there's some people I'd like to roll on."

"Here's how it works, Meryl Streep." Tony already came up with a nickname? Great. "You tell him where Pepper is and he'll stop doing it."

"Doing what?" Trevor asked but Rhodey answered his question by putting the hot gun next to his hear slighting burning him. "Oh! I get it! Ow! That hurt! I get it! I get it! I don't know about any Pepper, but I know about the plan."

"What plan?" I asked with my hands now on my hips.

"Do you know what they did to my suit?" Rhodey asked.

"What? No. But I do know it's happening over the coast." Trevor explained. "Something to do with a big boat. I can take you there." He then started cheering and I looked to the tv and someone had scored a goal. Guessing his team. "Ole, ole ,ole , ole!" He cheered.

"Tony, I swear to God, I'm gonna blow his face off." Rhodey was getting restless. Trevor does that to you.

"Oh, and this next bit may include the vice president as well." Now that got my attention. "Is that...Is that important?"

"A little, okay maybe a lot." I answered itching to know what they wanna do with the vice president. Tony then pulled on my arm and motioned for me and Rhodey to have a talk with him in private.

"What are we gonna do?" Rhodey asked and for once I had no idea. "I mean we don't have any transport." Rhodey had a point.

"I could get us some. But I'm not promising anything." I said and Tony looked back to Trevor as he opened another beer.

"Didn't you say something about a 'lovely speedboat'?" Oh I forgot about that.

"Oh that? Maybe. Why?" Trevor asked sipping his beer.

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