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A.N Doing this chapter before I go see my boyfriend as I didn't get to see him yesterday for Valentines Day. Need to get this one done as this is when you know who is revealed to be secretly in SHIELD.


After a while we finally pulled up in front of where we needed to be. We knew this place because it was where everything started 71 years ago. I got out the car with the tracker in my hand.

"The file came from these coordinates. It has to be here." I said putting the tracker in my back pocket. Steve then helped me get up over the fence and I dropped down on the other side. Steve had no trouble doing it by himself. I then took the tracker out again and started walking around seeing if the tracker went off for anything.

"Do you miss this place?" I asked randomly as Steve was looking at a flag pole. It can't be THAT flagpole could it?

"Little bit. You?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"It had it's ups and downs. Mainly ups though." I said as I help the tracker in the air hopeing it would help. I looked at the tracker and shook my head. "This is a dead end. Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio. And I don't see anything that shouldn't be here." I said looking around. "Whoever use the file must have used a router to put people off." I then looked to Steve and he was looking behind me at something. "What?" I asked.

"That's not suppose be there." He said nodding to a bunker and walking towards it. "Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." He said and I sighed.

"It is in the right place, actually. It's not for storage." I said fiddling with the tracker.

"Ashley, what is it?" Steve asked me and we stopped in front of the bunker.

"Open it and you'll find out." I told him and he frowned with confusion. I nodded to the door and he sighed using his SHIELD to break the lock. I then stepped foreword and opened the door leading us down some steps. "Let's shine some light on this." I said going over to the light switch and turning the lights on. This place had tables and chairs and old computers, and the old SHIELD logo on the back wall. This, was the first ever SHIELD HQ. "Welcome to SHIELD." I said to Steve and he looked like he was taking it all in.

"You started here?" He asked as we walked.

"Yep. Me, Howard and Andrew, Fury's father, picked this place cause we knew it so well and I kinda still wanted to be close to something that would remind me of you and Bucky. I hadn't moved on yet, not fully." I said and looked at my old desk in the corner. "Nice to see my old desk is still here." I said walking over to it and gliding my fingers over the table.

"This was your desk?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. Me and Howard had desks next to each other. Bad decision really but we got jobs done. Howard was really good in that area." I said going over to Howard's desk and taking his old name plate. I glided my finger over his name and became sad again.

"Did you love Howard?" Steve asked and I was shocked he asked that. I turned to Steve and nodded slowly.

"Yes." I whispered. "I did. But I only realized when it was too late. When he married and had Tony. I was annoyed I didn't tell him because he apparently felt the same but, I waited so long after you that he had enough and moved on. I did love him, Steve. But he never came above you, ever." I said and Steve nodded slowly. "You not mad?" I asked him.

"No. I knew that if it wasn't going to be me it would have been Howard. He was a good man and I can see why you felt that way. You did part of what you promised me. You fell in love, but you just took a while to notice it. I'm sorry I blinded you." He said and I put Howard's name plate down and walked over to Steve and cupped his face.

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