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A.N I'm so sorry for the late update on this. My life is super busy at the moment and college work is piling up, stupid photography. But hopefully I'll be updating quicker next time. I know most of you guys want TWS but you'll have to get through IM3 first.


As Tony drove he told me all about the guy he had a file for and what he's find out.

"Chad Davis, army fellow. But according to Harley, one day he just went mental and made a bomb. Blew himself up, killed 5 people along with himself." Tony explained.

"Wow." I commented as I read the file.

"But get this, when Harley showed me the place, there were only 5 shadows." I looked to Tony and became confused.

"5? You just said 6 people died."

"Exactly. Harley said that the shadows are of the people that go to heaven and the one shadow that was missing was Chad's because he went to hell."

"So what are you thinking?"

"I did some research on Happy and found again no bomb casings. So, I'm thinking that these people, like the crazy woman back there, are the bombs. I dunno how I just think they are." Tony explained and I nodded.

"It would explain why there's no bomb casings found or any evidence that you would find at a bomb site." I said and Tony nodded.

"Exactly." I sighed and took a good look at Tony. He looked really tired and worried. I think he noticed me looking. "You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. How long have you been having these nightmares?" I asked and Tony looked at the road then me.

"What did I say about talking about this?" Tony asked and I became annoyed. If he loved me so much why isn't he telling me about his troubles. He knows I can help him.

"You had a panic attack, Tony, and you haven't been sleeping. I would like to know why." Tony''s grip tightened on the steering wheel and he sighed. "You have to tell someone, Tony. I know what it's like, I've been through it. Just please don't shy away from me." Tony took a deep breathe and stopped the car on the side of the road.

"It's the portal, back in New York. Being up there just..." I could see he was about to panic again so i took his hand and rubbed my thumb over it. He took a deep breathe and looked at me. "What's wrong with me, Ash? I was never like this."

"I know, Tony. Neither was I. And then you see things that you would never think you would see. It imprints on you and makes life hell for you. But you can better it, Tony. I know you can." I smiled at him and he weakly smiled back.

"May I ask, and I'm sorry if I hit something, but what happened to make you like I am now?" My smiled faded and I breathed out. "You don't have to tell me."

"9/11." I said suddenly and looked up to Tony who had a sorry look on his face. "After that day I couldn't sleep for months. Not properly anyway. There was always some sort of building with a plane going towards it. And I just stood and watched. I never just stand and watch and think I can't do anything. 9/11 was the worst thing for me. It hurt me physically and mentally. It actually took me a while to get back to what people would know as my 'normal self'. It doesn't stay forever, Tony. But it won't go away just like that. It took me a while for me to just panic on planes and when people are pronounced dead. It will take you a while, Tony. You just gotta believe you'll get better." I smiled at Tony weakly and he pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He rubbed his arms on my back and I hugged him back. Once we parted he smiled at me.

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