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A.N Sorry for the late update on this guys, I was at a party on Friday night and slept over till Saturday then stayed at my boyfriends house till yesterday. So I couldn't update on Sunday. So here's the update.


"So the question is, who at SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" I asked as I ate a piece of toast. I was hungry, okay?

"Pierce." Steve said and it made sense.

"Makes sense. He happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world. And he was so nice to me. Asshole." I whispered the last word before taking a sip of water.

"But he's not working alone. Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star." Steve said and a lightbulb went off in my head.

"So was Jasper Sitwell." I told Steve and he looked at me.

"So the real question is, how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?" Steve asked a good question. With how known I am, people would recognize me and probably tweet about me which SHIELD, or Hydra, would see instantly.

"The answer is, you don't." Sam came over and chucked a file on the table with a photo on top in front of Steve.

"What's this?" Steve asked.

"Call it a resume." Steve stood up and I made my way over and got the picture before Steve could.

"This is Bakhmala?" I asked Sam. "The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. "You didn't tell me he was a Pararescue." I said to Steve handing him a photo of Sam with, I think, his partner.

"Is this Riley?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Sam answered. He seemed sad in a way. Maybe he lost Riley,

"They couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPG'S. What did you use? A stealth chute?" I asked Sam.

"No.These." He picked up the file and handed it to Steve. Steve opened it and read what was inside. I took a peak over Steve's shoulder to see what he was reading.

"I thought you said you were a pilot." Steve said to Sam.

"I never said pilot." Sam smiled and I smiled too.

"We can't ask you to do this, Sam." I told him. He was a nice guy and all but I couldn't get him caught up in all this. He doesn't need it.

"Hey, Agent Gomez and Captain America need my help. There's no better reason to get back in." Sam said and I smiled at him. If he's willing I can't make him not come.

"Where can we get our hands on one of these?" Steve asked holding up the file.

"The last on is at Fort Meade. Behind three guarded gates and a 12-inch steel wall." Steve looked to me and I smiled.

"Easy as pie." I said nodding to Sam. Sam smiled at me and looked at Steve for approval.

"She's handle more than that, trust me." Steve said making me proud of myself that I can do that stuff. We then made a plan to get what Sam needed then get Jasper to us. Sam would get Jasper whilst me and Steve were on a rooftop, out of sight, ready for Jasper to be here. Sam gave me a sniper so when the time was right I would point the red dot at Jasper and make him do as Sam said.

Sam gave me the signal and I pointed the red dot at Jasper's tie. Once he got where we wanted him, Steve took him and threw him on the floor of the rooftop. I hid around the corner to surprise Jasper.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm." I heard Steve  order Jasper.

"Never heard of it." Jasper said. I call bullshit.

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