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A.N Sorry for the wait on this guys. My life is pretty busy at the moment. But I found time for this.


"Christmas is so close I hate it." I said as I pinned up some tinsel on the shelves in mine and Steve's apartment. It's been a while since I've seen Tony and he's fine apparently. I still worry about him though. It's my job to worry, especially with Christmas just around the corner and Tony inviting everyone to a Christmas dinner at Stark Tower months ago.

"Yeah well it will be over soon and we'll get the later nights back." Steve said as he brought in more decorations. He kissed my head before going over to the undecorated tree and putting baubles on.

"I still don't know what to get, Natasha." I said turning round to Steve. "What did you get her?" I asked and Steve looked at me.

"Nothing. She didn't ask for anything." I shrugged my shoulders as she didn't ask for anything but she's been my friend for years and deserves something.

"I'll get her something whether she wants something or not."

"You heard from Tony about Happy?" Steve asked and I sighed. Happy got severely injured when a bomb went off near him a few days ago. He's in hospital in a critical condition. As soon as I found out I rung Tony. Tony said not to worry and he'll keep an eye on him. I know it was the mandarin, but I have nothing to go on to go after him. Not yet anyway.

"He's okay. Still a risk but not as much as he was." I said before leaving the room to get lights for the tree. As I came back in someone started frantically knocking at our door.

"I got it." Steve jumped up and opened the door revealing Sharon, I mean Kate, behind the door with a worried look on her face.

"Hello, Kate." Steve said before she stormed in and I put the lights on the kitchen table in worry for her. "Yeah, that's fine just walk in." Steve said sarcastically.

"You should read this." Kate said holding out a newspaper, probably todays. I looked at the paper and back at her.

"Last time I was told to look at a paper I found out two people I loved very much were dead, and they were Tony's parents. Please tell me this isn't anything like that." I said and she had that look on her face that meant it was like that. I took a deep breathe and took the paper from her. I read the title and breathed in and out very heavily. I rubbed a hand through my hair before I nearly fell back which the kitchen table stopped before Steve ran over.

"Just breathe, Ash okay?" Steve took the newspaper out of my hands and placed in on the table as he sat me down. I tried to breathe but I couldn't. I was having a panic attack. I haven't had one in a long time. "Just look at me, okay?" Steve said placing his hands on either side of my face making me look at him. "You're gunna be okay. Just breathe." I nodded and started to breathe and calm down.

Once I was stable, Steve looked at the newspaper and looked back at me. He didn't say anything, but hugged me tight and kissed my hair.

The title? Tony Stark presumed Dead after home attack. My whole world fell apart right there and then. I should have stayed. I should have stayed and helped him.

"I'm sorry, Ashley, I knew you were best friends" Kate started but I zoned out and looked at the paper as Steve stroked my cheek with his thumb. Then I noticed a key word. Presumed. He was PRESUMED dead, not that he WAS dead or FOUND dead. He's presumed dead.

"He's not dead." I said interrupting Kate.

"Ashley, I don't know-"

"Don't you dare say what I think you're gunna say." I said before Kate could go any further. "It says PRESUMED dead, it doesn't mean he IS dead." I said standing up and leaning againt the table breathing in and out still.

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