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My eye lids seemed heavy and hard to open. I tried my best to open them and once I did I had to blink a few times to focus my eyes. I looked around and saw I was in a room with Tony tied to what looked like a metal bed thing. Tony was still unconscious and I wanted to wake him. But like Tony I was also tied to a metal bed thing. I tried to free my hands but they were tied really tightly.

"No use doing that. You won't get out." A woman said from her computer up some stairs. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Where are we?" I asked her which was a stupid question to be honest.

"You'll find out soon enough." She said before I heard groans next to me. It was Tony, he was waking up.

"God, my head hurts." He complained before seeing where he was.

"Welcome to the club." I said and Tony noticed me.

"You alright, Ash?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Could be better." He answered before noticing the woman at the computer.

"Just like old times, huh?" She said to Tony. Old times? What does she mean by 'old times'?

"Oh yeah. With zip ties. It's a ball." Tony answered. Wait, does he know her?

"It wasn't my idea." The woman said. I was beyond confused.

"Okay. So you took Killians card." Tony explained.

"I took his money." The woman corrected.

"And here you are 13 years later, in a dungeon." Tony said. Guessing he does know her.

"No" She retorted.


"No, you're in a dungeon. I'm free to go." The woman said and I thought it was time for me to say something.

"Am I missing something here or?" I asked and the woman sighed.

"Me and Tony go back 13 years. That new years eve party, he forgot me after that." Sounded like Tony.

"Is that why you're doing this?" I asked her and she sighed getting up from her seat.

"A lot has happened. But I'm close. EXTREMIS is practically stabilized." The woman walked down to us.

"I'm telling it isn't. I'm on the street. People are going bang. They're painting the walls. Maya, you're kidding yourself." So her name is Maya, got it.

"Then help me fix it." She said holding up a name sticker with 'You Know Who I Am' on the front. She then turned it round and there was an equation on the back. Something else Tony would do. The You Know Who I Am thing, maybe not the equations.

"Did I do that?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Maya said looking hurt that he didn't remember.

"I remember the night, not the morning." I rolled my eyes at Tony as that is another thing he was good at. "Is this what you've been chasing around?"

"You don't remember?" Maya asked really hurt that he didn't remember.

"I can't help you. You used to have a moral psychology. You used to have ideals. You wanted to help people. Now look at you. I get to wake up every morning with someone who still has their soul." I smiled as he was talking about Pepper. I wonder where she is in all this. She better be safe. "Get us out of here." Tony finished off and Maya seemed to be thinking. I wanted to trust Maya, I did, but I can't at the moment.

"You know what my old man used to say to me?" A voice said from the left as Maya walked back to her computer. I recognized that voice. It was Killian. "One of his favourite of many sayings....'The early bird get's the worm, but the second mouse get's the cheese'." Killian said as he walked part us with a briefcase in his hand.

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