Nine - Christmas at the Stark's

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A.N Time for Christmas dinner at the Stark's. Enjoy


-Stark Tower, Christmas Day-

I parked my car outside Stark Tower and turned off the engine. Snow was coming down lightly with the sun peaking through the clouds. I sighed in my seat before undoing my seatbelt.

"You ready?" I asked Steve who was sat in the passenger seat next to me.

"Ready when you are." He answered. I smiled at him before getting out the car and going to the boot to get the presents we had for people. I didn't know if anyone from the Avengers were coming, I just knew it would be me, Steve, Tony, Pepper and Rhodey. I knew others were coming but who they were, I had no clue.

"I got em." Steve told me taking the present from me."Oh Ash?" I stopped and saw Steve had hung Mistletoe on the car boot making me smile. I made my way over and kissed him on the lips before pulling away and shutting the boot and locking the car. We then made our way inside and Jarvis let us into the lift. The lift then took us up to where the others would be.

"Remember, no bitching about each other, capiche?" I warned Steve and he rolled his eyes.

"Capiche." He said and I rubbed his arm as the elevator doors opened. My jaw dropped as Tony had gone all out on the decorations. There were lights and tinsel everywhere and a great big christmas tree with presents underneath. I was pleased he fixed everything in time after what Loki did.

"Well this is fancy." I commented before walking out with Steve.

"Ashley! Hey!" Tony cheered from across the room with a beer in hand. I smiled at him and opened my arms ready for him to hug me. He squeezed me tight and kissed my cheek before pulling away.

"Merry Christmas, Tony." I told him as he took a swigg of his beer.

"Merry Christmas, Ashley." It then got a little awkward as it came for him to talk to Steve. "Capsicle." Tony nodded to Steve with no expression on his or Steve's face.

"Stark." Steve nodded. As the awkwardness became bigger I cleared my throat and smiled.

"So, where's everyone?" I asked making Tony look to me.

"Pepper's in the bathroom, Rhodey's on his way, Bruce is checking on the turkey, and others will be arriving very shortly. Basically you're the first people here. Go you!" Tony sang punching my arm lightly.

"When you say others who do you mean?" I asked.

"Friends." Tony answered. "You know them, alright? I wouldn't invite strangers here." I nodded and smiled seeing Pepper walk in behind him. She was wearing a lovely white dress with her hair all wavy. She looked amazing.

"Don't you look amazing?" I asked her she she walked up to us.

"Well thank you. Your coat looks amazing too." She joked and I laughed hugging her. "It's good to see you two." She pulled away before hugging Steve. Steve liked Pepper and couldn't get his head round how Tony had got her. I understand though. He deserves her. "Steve, you can put the presents under the tree, Tony take Ashley's coat." Pepper was already telling Tony what to do which made me smile.

"Being bossy are we?" Tony asked Pepper as he took my coat from me. I was wearing a read lace skater dress with a black belt round the waist. Tony said it was a fancy evening and suggested I wore a dress. And when I say Tony I mean Pepper. Steve had a nice button shirt with a blue tie, some jeans and nice shoes. He looked pretty handsome.

"Ashley you look so amazing." Pepper smiled as I brushed my dress.

"Thank you." I smiled as she took my hand and led me over to the drinks and snacks. She handed me a beer and I helped myself to a bread stick.

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