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January 7th, 2022: 100+ reads on this one chapter! Thank you all so much!


New Orleans, Louisiana. September 13th, 1929.

"Sam, where's moma and papa?" The then 4 year old girl asked her brother. His heart broke.

Just a few days ago their own beloved mother and father had abandoned them in the middle of the city with no way to return home, Samuel hadn't the courage to tell his sister what had really happened.

The two people they counted on for guidance and love had given up on them. Out of money and out of energy, their parents had left them on the streets.

However, Samuel knew he had to tell his sister the truth, no matter how hard it was on him. When he did tell her... she cried; and cried; and well- cried. She couldn't seem to even comprehend the thought of being abandoned. It hurt. Her brain could barely process it. She didn't know what to do, say, or even think.

Samuel however, knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to fight. Fight for his and his sister's survival. He would do whatever it takes to keep them alive in this world that wanted him dead. After the stock market crash... almost everyone has run out of money, lost their businesses, their homes... everything.

~2 months later~

The two children were sitting in an alleyway, the sun beaming down on them. The girl used her skirt to cover their legs while the boy used his vest to cover their heads from the sun's harmful rays. Even that didn't seem to help.

"Come on Edith, we can't stay here." Samuel said standing up, holding out his hand for his 5 year old sister to take. She did but not without being confused. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to the cafe, we can't stay in the sun. It won't be for too long, the sun will be going down shortly anyway." Samuel said, as they made their way down the street and into the cafe. When they got inside it was quiet. It was normally quiet around this time. Families who could afford it would be at home making dinner... or trying to. Most people couldn't even find a job at this point. Men would be so desperate they would have their children stand in the streets with signs that say 'Why can't you give my dad a job?'

It was around this time when those families would start hurrying home because at night New Orleans was not a place where you wanted to be out and about, because behind the scenes this town had a secret. An evil secret...

A serial killer nicknamed the Smile killer was on the loose and no matter how hard the police tried, they couldn't seem to catch whoever it was. So all they could do was encourage everyone to stay off the streets at night and keep themselves and their families close and safe.

But unfortunately for Samuel and Edith, they didn't have a home or family to run to, to keep them safe so they had to do so themselves... well... with some help of course... As the two made their way into the small cafe there was a man behind a bar-type counter who's eyes lit up when he saw the two.

"Samuel! Edith! What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in!" The man exclaimed, waving for them to come and sit in the seats in front of the counter.

"Hello, Gus!" Sam said, lifting his sister onto one of the chairs before sitting on one himself.

"What can I get for you two youngsters?" Gus asked, leaning on the counter.

Sam smiled at the man. "Just a newspaper and some tap water will do for today." He said.

"Oh, come on! How about I get little Edith here, a glass of orange juice, all tabs on the house!" He said, looking at Samuel for approval.

Sam looked at his younger sister, her face lit up with joy as she looked at her brother with eyes pleading for him to approve the request. The teen thought to himself for a second, what was the trouble? It was going to be free for them after all, plus during the Stock Market Crash anything free was practically a miracle gift of the lord.

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