Threats by the fire.

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Once the adorable young 5 year old was out of the room, the atmosphere around Sam and Alastor became tense and discomforting, almost suffocating. A DRASTIC change from when Edith was there.

"Take a seat, boy." The man said, sitting at the head of the table, pointing to the chair to his left. The boy gulped thickly before slowly and reluctantly obeying the order and sitting down in the chair.

"Such a sweetheart that little one is. Wouldn't you agree, Samuel?"

"W-Why did you bring us here?" Sam asked, just loud enough to be slightly audible.

"Hmm? Pardon?"

The boy inhaled deeply, gaining more courage. "Why did you bring me and my sister here? We're just children and- and you're a wanted serial killer. Why did you not just kill us for finding out your secret? Why did you kidnap us instead? What are you planning to do with us? There has to be more! What are you hiding? What have you-"

"Quite the young inquisitor you are! What are you, a policeman?!" Alastor laughed, cutting Sam off. "Anyways... I don't know why you asked why I brought you here. I suppose you'd already know the answer had you just put the story together. I couldn't just leave you two with the knowledge of my crimes and what I look like. That would just be rather stupid of me! As for why I didn't just kill you. I would have if it weren't for your dear little sister."

Sam's eyes widened. So- if it was just him this guy would have killed him but because he had Edith with him, he was spared. "Wait- why is it that you would kill me but not my sister."

"Because your sister is an innocent and defenseless little fawn. You're a young lad who can defend himself. As a fellow male in these times you know very well that we men are expected to be gentlemen. I don't know about you but personally I do really hate those who can't show a little more respect to those of fairer means, it's rather distasteful."

Sam knew that sort of made sense- this is a time where men are expected to be gentlemen. He's no stranger to that fact- but- it still leaves unanswered questions in his mind. "I-I guess that makes sense but- what are you planning to do with us? Keep us here forever? Do you not think our family will notice our absence and search for us?"

Alastor started laughing at the comment. "Oh-ho, no! I'm not worried about that, there's no sense in lying to me, dear Samuel. I know you both are the only family the other has."

Sam's eyes widened. "H-How did y-you-"

"Oh it was quite easy, my young fellow." The man started, cutting him off. "For one thing your clothes are both filthy. Any mother who can afford it wouldn't let her children walk around with so much soil on their clothes that you can grow a garden in them. Not to mention if either of you had a parent or guardian you wouldn't be out and about so late at night, especially considering all the murders happening around." He said, saying the last part very smugly.

"Yes, the murders that you commit. How could I possibly forget?" The boy retorted, rolling his eyes resentfully.

The man's eye twitched, accompanying a look of anger. "Well, since you remember such a topic that I pride myself on, perhaps you'd do well to remember how to speak to me." He said, hinting towards Sam's attitude and sarcasm.

The teen looked looked down to avoid Alastor's glare. "S-Sorry..." he mumbled. The man's glare faded.

"Good boy, that's all settled! I'll make sure you and your sibling are taken care of and you will not try escaping or telling anyone anything, especially the police. The precious life of yourself and the darling dearest Edith depends on it. Understood?" Alastor said, terrifyingly joyful. It sent shivers down Sam's spine and racked fear into his heart as the thought and vision of his innocent little sister being slaughtered by the killer in front of him flooded his mind.

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