Kidnapped by a murderer.

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"My name is Alastor, darling. Alastor."


To Sam, it felt like they were walking through the forest for days. The time just kept getting longer and longer and longer. He was scared, not only for his sake but for Edith's too. He had no idea what the serial killer who was trudging them through the forest was going to do to them. What did he mean by "Guess I'll have to take you both with me,"?? It didn't make any sense to him. Him and his sibling just witnessed him murder another human being and he wasn't going to kill them for it?

The questions in his head were almost as frightening as their surroundings. The lantern was left behind as they started their journey so the forest was almost completely dark, the moon was the only thing providing any sort of light. Which didn't do much but was just enough to reveal several pairs of eyes that belonged to animals watching the them from the trees. However, the strange part about this was they didn't attack, they almost seemed... hesitant... It was odd to say the least, Sam has never seen such hesitation come from animals. All that plus the fact that there is a literal MURDERER right next to him made him frightened beyond comprehension. The only thing keeping him going was the thought of his sister who was just on the other side of the man, holding his hand while he brought them wherever it is they were going.

A couple of times during they're tense walk even though she was still scared of him, Edith- being the little 5 year old she was- would ease the tension by asking the man- or Alastor- questions and making small talk, for example asking him what his name was, if he knows the forest well, telling him her name, talking about their days, among other simple questions and topics.

At first, whenever Edith spoke, Sam would grow tense and fearful believing it would be best if they both stayed quiet in order to keep the man satisfied with their silence and keep him content. The teen was worried that any slight slip up of words could cause him to get angry and kill them both.

But to Samuel's surprise, Alastor- though being sure not to give away anything personal, gladly answered her questions and made small talk with her to the best of his ability. He certainly seemed quite the charmer and when speaking to Edith, he had a somewhat playful tone. Lightening the setting a little bit. In fact, there was even a time where Alastor had let go of her hand so that she could chase a lizard! Which SHOCKED Sam. Though, the boy didn't let his tough guard fall. He kept his eyes on Alastor at all times and his sister whenever he could. He wasn't going to trust this man for 2 seconds after seeing what a competent killer he is. Edith might be gullible and ignorant to what the world is capable of, but he sure isn't and never will be. Especially when it came to the man holding his shirt with an iron grip.

Slowly but surely the forest edge came into view and they got closer and closer to it until it was right in front of them. Upon exiting the woods Sam found that they actually ended up in the backyard of a large Victorian style mansion-like house. The backyard was a large grassy area with a few separated trees, all fenced in with an unusually tall black gate on the outskirts of the area.


Alastor led the children through an open back gate, closing and locking it behind them, he noticed how Sam was being very vigilant of how the gate locked, also of the surroundings. Smart of him. However, it won't prove useful. He'll make sure they won't escape from him. How will two children escape his clutches when even his adult victims couldn't escape him in their final minutes? They won't, it'll be near impossible.

Of course, having to take in two children who were too nosey for their own good was not on Alastor's  agenda for the day; or the year; or his lifetime, although he certainly has a few tricks up his sleeve that'll make them stay in line and abide by any rules he sets in place for them. He's learned a few things about keeping people in check from his time of being Louisiana's feared 'Smile Killer'- a name he certainly is proud to have.

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