Kept in check.

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Sam slowly awoke from his sleep, he was still quite tired but overall refreshed. He yawned and stretched out his arms and legs, it was then that he realized something- or rather someone- was missing. His sister wasn't lying next to him like she was last night.

The boy frantically looked around the room but she wasn't there. He tried calming down by reminding himself that as long as he was still here and 'being obedient' then nothing would happen to Edith. She must have just gotten up and is downstairs or something.

He turned his gaze back towards the bed and there hung on the footboard bench were his clothes from last night, though they looked different. They were cleaner and fresher than they were last night. On top was a note that read:

"Dear Samuel,

Good morning to you! Last night I took the time to wash you and your siblings' clothing. Do change into them and come downstairs to the dining hall. Young Edith has already awoken and joined me.

Sincerely, Alastor."

Sam put the note down and let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. It was nice to know his sister was alright, not that he didn't know beforehand but still. It was nice to have reassurance.

The teen slid his clothes on, they felt different from before, clean clothes wasn't something he was used to. Not at all.

In fact, this was all starting to become overwhelming for him, at this exact time yesterday he was sitting in an alley with his sister cuddling next to him for warmth while he was trying to figure out how they were going to eat that day. Now he's in the serial killer's house with clean clothes on and waking up in a warm bed. As long as Alastor doesn't try anything... maybe... maybe this won't be that bad.


The teen hit himself across the face, leaving a stinging sensation on his cheek. "Stop it Sam! If Alastor leaves at any point, you have to do it. You have to take Edith and get out of here. No ifs ands or buts! You have to do it." He whispered to himself before straightening his clothes and walking out of the room and downstairs to the first floor where he heard voices coming from a certain area. The voices belonged to Alastor and Edith no doubt.

He walked towards the dining hall and there they were, Alastor at the head of the table and sitting Edith sitting to his right. The girl was the first to notice him enter the room, looking towards him and smiling.

"Hi!" she exclaimed happily.

Sam smiled back at her, waving towards her. Alastor turned towards him, smiling at him.

His smile really never goes away, does it?

"Hello Samuel! I do hope you slept well! We are just having breakfast, do please join us!" He said, getting up and pulling a chair out for him and gesturing for him to sit down before turning and disappearing into the kitchen.

The boy sat down in the seat that was across from his sister. She looked down and continued to eat the contents from the white crystal bowl in front of her.

"So Edith, when did you wake up?" he said. She looked up, swallowing her bite and looking up at him.

"I don't know," said the girl. "I woke up when the kind man brought us our clothes this morning. I wanted to wake you up but he said to let you sleep."

Sam shuddered when Edith called Alastor 'the kind man'. He didn't see that guy as such. He cleared his throat to regain control of his train of thought. "That was kind of you to let me have my rest. Thank you, Edi."

She gave a teeth-filled smile in response before going back to eating whatever she was eating before.

That's when Alastor came back into the room with another bowl with a spoon and a glass of water, putting both in front of the teen and sitting back down in his own seat.

The Radio Kids. (Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now