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Sam took a breath, tilting his head down, almost nervously.

"I'm sorry."


Alastor looked at the teen, almost surprised by what he had just heard. "Pardon me? You're sorry? Sorry for what now?"

What could easily be considered condescending, were genuine questions Alastor had.

Sam put his hands on his lap as he swayed back and forth in his seat anxiously. "I'm sorry for being so ungrateful. I'm sorry for being so focused on one detail that I didn't take into account the rest. I'm sorry."

Silence strung out once more between the two. Not a tense silence but more stunned than anything. It almost seemed as though silence was the go-to between them.

The man cleared his throat, folding his hands on the table. "Your apology is appreciated and of course, accepted, Samuel. Quite the gentlemanly thing; apologizing when necessary. Very well done." He figuratively applauded.

Sam released the breath the was holding, his body visibly relaxing as the air left his nose. Though, one other thought was plaguing his mind... but where to start when addressing such a thought...

The teen cleared his throat, "A-About what you do..."

Alastor pushed his round spectacles up on the bridge of his nose, sitting up straight. The sudden change in body language gave a threatening atmosphere, letting Sam know he was venturing into treacherous waters.

"Can you-.. Can you just leave us out of it a-and... and pretend it doesn't happen?" Samuel asked, scratching the back of his neck and clenching his eyes shut. "I-It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it, but it's clear to me that of the few options I have, staying here.. with you.. is the best for my sister and myself. Just please don't expose Edith to any violence. Please. She's too young to understand the world yet." He pleaded softly, giving in to the circumstances.

The man's eyes widened ever-so-slightly. He knew very well that his 'hobbies' disturbed the brunette in front of him. What he didn't expect was for Sam to agree to set such hobbies aside and look past them, even if there were minor conditions.

"Very well. Your conditions are reasonable. I don't see why your wishes can't be respected, however I have some slight conditions as well."

The teen was anxious to hear Alastor's conditions but a deal is a deal he supposed.

"I will not tolerate any further attempts at, or even thoughts of escape. We both know very well that they are futile but chances mustn't be taken." Alastor spoke sternly, ensuring the point was made and understood properly. "Killing you.. It's not something I would find pleasure in doing, however it is something that can be easily arranged if I see it fit. Don't make me end your life so early, Samuel. It would truly be a waste."

The man paused his speaking in order to let his words soak into Sam's mind. He wasn't lying, Alastor isn't above killing someone as young as the young man in front of him. Though, if something happened to Samuel, his sister would be significantly harder to keep in line. Her sweet personality would change, no doubt.

Into what can be debated. She could become more attached to Alastor or she could become distant or even hateful. The latter of the two would make the situation less than ideal. Yes, keeping Samuel alive is in Alastor's best interest.

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