Daring Decision.

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While Alastor carried the sleeping Edith upstairs, Sam followed him with the same lank expression he's hand for the past hour or two.

When he was right behind the man he cleared his throat. "W-What was that?" He stuttered out, looking down as they both walked.

"What was what?"

Sam cleared his throat once more, trying to calm his nerves in order to speak. "T-That bag... W-What was it? What was i-inside of it. W-Why did you h-have blood on your c-clothes? W-What kind of b-blood was that? W-Why did you-"

"Now now, Samuel." Alastor interrupted as he set Edith in her bed and put the covers up to her nose, who smiled and cuddled herself in the warm comforter, still fast asleep.

The man turned towards Sam with his signature smile. "One question at a time now. First, I see it best we leave your sister to sleep. We wouldn't want to wake her, now would we?"

Sam nodded in agreement, not taking his eyes off Alastor as they both left the room and walked down to the parlor. The elegantly dressed man couldn't even take a seat or really do anything before he got bombarded with questions from the teen behind him.

"What was that bag?! Who's blood was on your jacket?! Why were you back so late?! What did you do with the contents of that bag?! Why did-"

"Woah! Slow down there! Curiosity killed the cat you know." Alastor spoke, keeping his back to Sam and turning on a lamp.

"But satisfaction brought it back." The brunette retorted bravely.

That's when the adult stopped what he was doing and just stood still for a second before turning towards the teen.

"Now Samuel... Curiosity is a willing, proud, and eager confession of ignorance." Alastor started, forcing his smile to stay on his face. "Though, sometimes ignorance is better than knowledge. A safe environment of bliss you never knew you were in."

Sam took a minute to process this information. He wanted to say something but his mind just couldn't find the correct words. Was he correct? Was ignorance better than knowledge in this case?

"Besides," The man spoke again, walking past Sam and over to his office, opening the door and grabbing something before stepping back out. "It's easier to lie if you don't know the truth."

"L-Lie?" Sam stuttered out. "Why would I have to lie?"

Alastor faced the teen once more. "Is it not obvious? If the police find out about my endeavors and find out you've been living here, you and your sibling will, without a doubt, be questioned. If that happens and they ask you about the bag I had come in with and you say you didn't know what was in it, you wouldn't be wrong. You didn't. Plus, it would be much easier for you to say you didn't because it was the truth. If it was lie, it wouldn't be as easy to admit."

As much as Sam hated to admit it, Alastor was right. If that ever were to happen, it would be easier to lie if you didn't know the truth. Technically it wasn't lying at all, it was just relaying the little information you had.

But then again, what is he thinking?! Sam wants to know what Alastor had so that way if he had the police what he knew, Al would get in more trouble! More justice!

"But I want to know. I need to know."

Alastor chuckled softly. "Oh. You need to know, do you?"

Sam stayed quiet, noticing the other's change in demeanor. He said the wrong thing again.

"Listen here boy. If you need something, you cannot live or function without it. It's impossible. We all need to drink water in order to survive. It's impossible to live without water." The man explained sternly, his forced smile still on his face. "If you want something, you can live without it. You want to know what I was carrying. You do not need to know. There's a big difference. You can very well live without such knowledge, therefore I will not be enlightening you. Do you hear and understand me?"

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