Strange meal.

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Perhaps he could find a way to get his mind off of this...

"Good morning, Miss Rosie!" Sam greeted the woman washing dishes happily as he walked into the kitchen.

Seeing Rosie around the house was becoming a lot more common than it used to be. Alastor often invited her to join them for meals and Rosie always seemed to accept. Her declining was a rare occurrence. Especially since her husband had passed recently... Food poisoning is what the coroner said.

Her and Alastor's friendship stumped Sam at times. They were obviously very close and enjoyed each other's company a great deal. In fact, Alastor even prepared his own and her meals separately from Sam and Edith's. Although Sam assumed this was because of an allergy thing, he still saw Alastor's actions as semi-out-of-character. Openly putting in the extra effort for her. Their relationship was in no way romantic of course, but something still seemed off about this to him.

"Morning Sam! How was your hunt?" She asked, only taking her eyes off the sink for a moment.

Sam brushed his hair back before grabbing a towel and hand drying the dishes that were sitting in the black dish rack.

"Not very good. Since it's February, it was pretty cold out and I couldn't even get anything. It's as if something in that swampy forest made all the animals suddenly run and hide." He moaned disappointedly, his head falling.

Rosie gave the boy a soft smile. "Aw, put that head back up. You know dear, not every day can be a perfect one. You just gotta keep on trying! The next time will be a success and every failure will be a distant memory, you'll see." She said with a warm tone.

Sam lifted his head to look at Rosie's eyes. "You really think so?" He asked, his mood still a little down.

Rosie shut off the tap and turned to face the 15 year old. "Of course I do! We've all failed at some point, even doing the things we love. That's why you practice! Take your sister for example, she's trying to learn how to speak like an elegant young lady, but does she always say the right things? No, of course not! She's still learning, but when she's given feedback or advice about what to say instead, she listens carefully and corrects herself. One day she'll be speaking with words we never knew existed! Practice is key."

Sam smiled at the advice. "Thank you, Rosie. I needed that!" He laughed as they continued on with the dishes.

Though, as they were finishing with the last plate, the sudden loud bang of a door flying open and hitting the wall rang through the house, followed by an all too familiar high-pitched voice.

"IT'S MEEEEEE!!!!" The voice boomed through the halls, overpowering the sound of the running water.

Sam chuckled and shook his head. "Oh no..." he mumbled under his breath, Rosie joining him with a slightly audible chuckle of her own.

The two put down what they were doing, drying their hands with the fresh grey kitchen towel and headed out of the kitchen.

There in the doorway stood the highly energetic, short blonde woman they all loved, her pink and black flapper dress stealing the show.

When Sam and Rosie reached the foyer, the head of Edith suddenly appeared out of the Library, her eyes glistened with excitement upon seeing the woman she hadn't seen for months.

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