Dare he say.

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Hi! Author-Chan here! Here's a thought,

Since Wattpad isn't allowing stories to add text to speech anymore, I was thinking about maybe creating an audiobook on YouTube and having myself or maybe another voice actor be the reader! What do you think? Yay? Nay? Interested, would you listen along while you read? PLZ BE HONEST!

Also I couldn't think of a good chapter name so if you think of a better one please do let me know! Thanks!



Sam grabbed the towel from the side of his bed, putting it in the basket next to the door of his room. He shook his hair, trying his best to style it with his hands.

The annoyed feeling he got when his hair itched his eyes served as a reminder to cut it pretty soon.

For the longest time, he had hair that was longer than most boys his age since he had limited means to cut it. Not only that, but he was hesitant to do so. He wasn't too certain of the reason behind his hesitation though.

Alastor believed it was because he had a hard time letting go of the past, at least that's what he told Sam. Though, telling him that did work in his favor as the teen had finally allowed Alastor to cut his hair after a bit of coaxing.

The past few months have been pretty nice. Even enjoyable at times.

Life felt... dare Sam say... normal?

Finally, there was routine in his life. Instead of being on edge every 2 seconds, the teen was actually relaxed.

A few things have changed as well. Alastor began giving both Sam and Edith a few small daily chores to do around the house. Sam was in charge of washing the dishes after meals, organizing the mail, and cooking lunch for Edith when Alastor isn't home. All the while Edith is in charge of sweeping and mopping and keeping the library organized.

It was clear that the trust in the house has come a long way.

In fact, Alastor even taught Sam how to drive, if you can believe it! It took a while for him to get the hang of it, but he learned! Thankfully Alastor had enough patience with him. Minus a moment here or there of course.

Obviously, he didn't get to drive a lot as Alastor needed the car to get to and from work. That and whenever they all went somewhere together, Alastor preferred to be the driver.

But on the off chance that Alastor had the day off work and chose to stay home, Sam enjoyed driving. It was calming for him. Especially if he took Edith along. Her mere presence was enough to throw any stress he had away, even if she was just looking out the window without speaking.

It was such a comfortable silence, Sam couldn't think of a single thing he didn't like about the drives they took.

It was a nice way for them to spend quality time together.

Each of them had a way to spend quality time with the others.

Driving was his and Edith's.

To spend quality time with the others Sam would go hunting with Alastor, Mimzy would try to coax him into singing or acting, and Rosie would have meaningful heart to heart conversations with him. Though, he greatly enjoyed all of it.

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