Chapter 19 - Scenic stop

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Loki held you tight as you returned the embrace, each tug closer speaking it's own pain. His hand ran through your hair as you shifted to curl up. The small cries broke his heart, each whimper making his eyes shut.

"It's alright, Y/n, I'm here, I won't leave you, darling," his velvet voice dragged your attention up to him. "I'm here," your puffy cheeks were soothed with his cold hands. Moving your gaze to them, you saw the blue creeping up only for him to shift back to his pale skin.

"Wait, no," you take a hold of his hand.

"I know what you want me to do..."

"So won't you do it?" softly pleading his hand moved out of yours. "Loki," you move his cheek with your fingers.

"Hopefully you'll have a better reaction than Aphrodite?"

"How did she react?"

"I don't think you want to know," he chuckles, leaning into your touch. "You're certain?"

"As I've ever been," keeping your eyes on his, you saw them gloss over red, the skin creeping from his face and down along every inch of him. Temperatures dropped, you breath now visible. Soft steel blue skin coated his once pale complexion, a contrast no doubt helped with the striking ruby eyes.

They coated like glimmering gems, your finger wishing to trail over them close in an entranced embrace. But you saw them avert, waiting for a reaction, backlash of sorts which never came.

You sat admiring the carvings along his cheek and forehead. He waited and waited. No shouts left your lips, no disgusted gaze from your eyes, no flinch from your body.

"For the goddess of beauty she is awfully ignorant of it," your soft voice calmed his pounding chest.


"Have you never seen your reflection in this form? Loki, you're gorgeous!" laughing lightly at the red on his blue skin you look down to his hands and traces the lines on his knuckles. "Oh!" You run to his desk and take a marker.

"What are you doing?"

"Shush," you quite him down before doodling on his skin and creating a small bird using a the line on his skin as a base. "Yes, I am an artist,"

"You're a silly woman,"

"With a needy hellhound," you sigh once you hear Crowley's whines over the music.


"Will he bite?"

"Depends... will you give him a treat?" Loki dashes for the treats on your desk and holds one to Crowley who gives a smug bark. Once the god got comfortable, and Crowley had his fun tormenting him, they both sat on the beanbag curled as you lay facing the ceiling.

"You look comfortable," Loki pokes your shoulder with his shoe.

"I'm bored,"


"You read my mind!"


Turning up the radio, Classic by MKTO blasted as you pulled out the parking lot. Drumming your fingers against the steering wheel, you belt the lyrics as Loki smiled softly, humming along. In the backseat, Crowley let his head hang out the car window, his tongue moving in the wind.

Loki let his head lean against his palm, looking at your from the side with a smile. You nudge him slightly to dance along which caused him to roll his eyes and move his head from side to side, bouncing his leg to the beat.

"I know you can dance better than that, Lokes,"

"We are in a car,"

"And? Dance, princey, dance," the song ended soon enough, you failing to get Loki to dance anymore than that. Pulling into the parking lot you, Crowley trotted behind, the store clerk ignoring his presence.

Filling up your cup, Loki had picked out a fair few snacks before you both switched. Paying was easy, Crowley even picked out some dog treats... why they had dog treats in 7/11? The author may never reveal.

Midnight city played which made your smile grow. It was a calmer change as you drove off down the street lamp lit road. "Mind if I make a scenic stop?"

"By all means, be my guest," turning left you slowly pull up to a cliff and get out. "You're not going to kill me are you?"

"Don't be stupid," grabbing the snacks you sit on your car hood. "Come on,"

Loki shrugs and did as you did. Pumping blood sped up as Loki shifted closer to you. Crowley laid down by the front tires after dragging his snack with him.

"Remember when you showed me how to navigate with the stars?... That's how I got back," Loki turned his head to you. "So, thank you,"

"I'm glad you found your way back... I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, or prevent this whole fiasco,"

"Don't be sorry, Lokes, I'm here now, that's all the matters," taking a deep breath of the cold and rushing wind you fold your arms up. Cliché as it is, Loki took of his jacket and slipped it over your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.

"I'm Jotun, Y/n, I don't exactly get cold," he chuckles before you could rise up any argument.

"Thank you,"



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- Anna ❤️

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