Chapter 1

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Juicy's POV

As my lips gently brushed against Eddie's, I heard people cheering and laughing from the house. I couldn't care less. I got to kiss Eddie and that's all that mattered. I've waited too long for this incredible moment. I curled my fingers into his hair and pressed my lips harder against his. His soft hands gripped onto my waist and pulled my body closer to his. I thought back to all the pain and heartbreak I went through to get to this very moment. I guess it was all worth it in the end.

After a few minutes, our amazing moment came to an end when he eventually broke the kiss. I stared into his warm, dark brown eyes as a smile appeared on his face.

"Are you ready to go back to the party?" he whispered

I smiled back at him, quickly kissed his cheek and hopped off the bonnet. When we returned to the house, the crowd broke out into a massive round of applause.

"Holy shit! I told you Juicy was getting laid!" shouted a girl

"These videos are going to go viral by tomorrow!" shouted another girl

"Oh, shut up already! Congrats, you two! I never knew you were into... each other... if I should say. But damn, that was quite a show" laughed Eric

As the rest of the crowd continued to laugh and cheer, I blushed at the surprisingly huge amount of compliments. We walked inside and Narrator and Ayden were already leaning against the counter when we arrived. They smirked and shook their heads; clearly already seen what happened.

"Well well well, took you long enough to tell him" laughed Narrator

"Yeah! Congrats tho, I really enjoyed the show" added Ayden

Eddie let out a small chuckle before he turned around and faced me.

"How come you didn't tell me sooner?" he asked

"He was probably scared you wouldn't wanna fuck him" laughed Ayden

I swung around and playfully punched Ayden in the stomach.

"I'm joking! I'm joking!" he laughed

I chuckled and looked back at Eddie.

"Well, the usual. I was scared of ruining our friendship, affecting our video production and mainly because I didn't know how to tell you in the first place. I was so embarrassed to speak of it. I didn't understand the feelings myself so I couldn't possibly explain them to anyone else. I honestly wanted to tell you sooner but I was terrified that you wouldn't accept me as... well... gay. I'm still shy to say it out loud actually. When it came to the boys, I was even more terrified. I thought you guys would think different of me or even kick me out of the group"

"Oh, I see"

"Yeah and I guess once I understood my feelings completely, the fear of rejection took over. You know how much that affected me in high school"

"Yes, I remember. Well, you no longer have to worry. I'm actually really happy you told me and to be honest, I can see this as the start of something amazing" he smiled

I blushed a bit before grabbing his hand.

"Come on, it's only 11:45. Let's enjoy the last few minutes of the party before we have to go"

The 3 of them agreed and we all ran towards the center of the room. Let me tell you, the remainder of that night was incredible! The music and lights blasted through the night and the crowd filled the dance floor. The house shook as the heavy bass and epic beat drops echoed through the walls. Since Eddie would probably be the boys' transport home, he remained sober. The boys and I on the other hand, grabbed a few shots and waved our cups in the air. It was absolutely crazy but I loved every second of it.

Eddie's POV

It's finally midnight and the party began to cool down. Most of the people have left already and it's about time the group left as well. Mully, Josh and Gabby were passed out on the couch. Narrator, Ayden and Eric were busy throwing up in the bathroom and Juicy was asleep on my shoulder. I'd hate to wake him up but we really should get going.

"Psst, Juicy. Wake up. We'll be leaving soon" I whispered

His eyes slowly opened and he let out a big yawn.

"Ugh, I got a huge headache! Yeah, it's about time we left" he replied; rubbing his eyes

Narrator and Ayden returned from the bathroom and helped us wake up the three passed out on the couch. I nudged Mully awake and flicked Josh on his beanie.

"Mum? Is that you? Yeah, I'll have the spaghetti please" mumbled Mully

"Give me back my dart, you wanker!" added Josh

Oh gosh, I can't handle these two idiots when they are drunk. Narrator and Ayden draped their arms over their shoulders and helped them to walk. Gabriela slowly stumbled next to me as she explained a weird dream she had about a purple toothbrush.

"I'm serious! It had purple bristles and kept on talking about watermelon lollipops!" she mumbled

"OK enough, you three. Get into the car so we can take you home"

"But what about the toothbrush?!" exclaimed Gabby

"He'll give you a lollipop if you get into the car!"

"Yayyy!" shouted Gabby before stumbling into her seat

Once everyone was in the car, I inserted my key and drove off.

Letting Go (Eddie x Juicy) [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now