Chapter 14

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Narrator's POV

I pulled up in front of Lakewood and stared at the front door. It was unlocked but it was pitch black inside. Were the two even here? I creeped through the front door and stepped into the corridor. It was dead silent. Something's not right. I headed towards the front office and saw piles of books and boxes scattered everywhere. OK, clearly someone has been here. I wondered up and down the classes but there was still no sign of Eddie and Gabby.

Suddenly, I heard a terrifying scream echo from a nearby room.

"Eddie? Gabby? Hold on, I'm coming!" I yelled; running towards it

I grabbed the door handle and pushed, pulled and shook it like crazy. Fuck, it's locked. Taking a look back at my military days, an idea popped into my head. I ran back to the front office and grabbed one of the fire extinguishers that were hanging from the wall. I backed up and rammed it straight into the door; breaking right through the wooden planks and hinges.

I wiped the wood shavings off my clothing and stared into the pitch black room. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight.

"Hello? Eddie? Gabby? Anyone here?"

I stepped over the piles of boxes and tools on the floor and pushed over the broken shelves. The place was a complete mess! I began to worry as I came across more clutter and more broken shelves. Eventually, I came to a small area in the room and shone my light into the darkness. There sat Eddie. He was leaning against a wooden plank with his arms flopped to his side. He looked up and whimpered with a helpless look in his eyes. He had a huge knob on his forehead, a few scratches across his face and multiple bruises on his arms and legs. Opposite him sat Gabby. Her wrists were tied together with the sleeves of her jacket and her ankles were tied together by, which seemed to be, an old scarf. She was struggling to get loose and was rubbing her knees together in attempt to loosen the scarf.

"Grant! Thank god you're here! Eddie tried to attack me and tied my up! Help!" she yelled

I turned back to Eddie and watched as his helpless face and numb eyes locked with mine. He would never do this. I know it.

I untied Gabby and watched as she shoved me aside and dashed through the shattered door planks.

"Keep him away from me! You're lucky I won't report you, you psycho!" was her last words before she disappeared through the front door

I turned back to Eddie and picked him up from the floor. I then draped his arm over my shoulder and helped him limp to the car.


We arrived at Juicy's house soon after and I carried Eddie out of the car. Mully, Josh and Juicy were crashed on the floor by the time we arrived. Juicy was passed out and the other two were holding his wrists down from either side.

"Is that Eddie?!" exclaimed Mully

"Shh! You're gonna wake up Juicy!" I whispered "But yes, he was at Lakewood"

"What the fuck happened to him? He looks like he fell down a mountain!" added Josh.

"I don't know. I found him like this with Gabriela. I didn't have time to ask any questions"

"Gabby?! Did she do this to him?!" uttered Mully

"I just said I don't know!" I yelled

Juicy slowly began to wake up by my loud voice and the two restrained his wrists tighter; preventing him from moving.

"G-Guys?" he stuttered

When he fully opened his eyes, they were immediately directed onto Eddie.

"Eddie?! Is that Eddie! No! Where is she?! Did she do this to him?! I'm going to fucking kill her!" he yelled; slowly losing control

Mully and Josh leapt up and held his chest down as well. His wrists were slowing slipping out of their grip but they refused to let him escape.

"No, let me g-go!" shouted Juicy; beginning to tear up "Ed-Eddie's hurt!"

Mully and Josh managed to restrain him once again and put an end to his frenzy. Meanwhile, I carried Eddie to the kitchen, pulled out a seat for him by the counter and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer.

"Thanks Grant" he murmured; holding the pack against the knob on his forehead

"Once Eddie's swelling subsides and Juicy calms down, we'll get to the bottom of this" I said; taking a seat next to Eddie.

Letting Go (Eddie x Juicy) [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now