Chapter 12

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Gabby's POV

It's currently 5:30 and principle Snyders and I finally began to sort out a few files. Eddie on the other hand was nowhere to be seen and I was getting annoyed. I asked him to help and he's already 2 hours late. Ugh, I might as well do this all by myself until he 'magically' shows up. 

I picked up a huge box of folders and carried it into the corridor. Unfortunately, my arms couldn't stand the weight for long and I accidently dropped the box onto the floor; scattering the files everywhere.

"Great. Just great!" I murmured to myself; crouching down to pick up the files one-by-one

"Let me help you with that" replied a faint voice

I looked up and who was standing right in front of me? No one other than... Eddie.

"About time you showed up. I thought you disappeared"

"Haha. Well, I didn't. I stumbled across a food truck earlier and it's about a 10 minute walk away. They were selling these amazing tacos and corn-on-the-cobs so I decided to buy me some. There were many people in line so service was a bit slow. Sorry about that" he laughed

"It's always you and your tacos" I chuckled "Look, we have no time to waste. Hurry to the front desk and grab a few boxes, will ya. The least you can do is make yourself useful after wasting my time"

Eddie gave a quick huff before walking away.

Eddie's POV

I wiped the remaining crumbs off of my chin and walked down the corridor. The school looked completely different at night. Quite spooky actually. I stared into the dark, empty classrooms and passed the cold lockers. I turned around the corner and ran into Mr Snyders.

"Well, hello there Eduardo. You must be here to assist with the boxes"

"Yes sir"

"Great, I stacked a few boxes for you both on the office shelves. They just need to be piled in the Bookroom and then you guys can go home. I got a call from my daughter's daycare and I need to go pick her up urgently. Will you guys be OK by yourselves?"

"I'm pretty sure we'll manage. It's not too much work so we'll be done in no time"

"That's perfect. Be sure to keep the front door unlocked for the cleaners who come later. I'll see you guys tomorrow" he replied before patting my shoulder and leaving through the staff door.

I headed further down the corridor before eventually reaching the office. I grabbed a few boxes off the shelves and ambled down the main hallway. After a few minutes, I finally reached the Bookroom's door and walked inside. I walked over to the shelves right at the back and began to stack the boxes on top of each other. When I placed the final one down, a click from the opposite end of the room interrupted the silence. What was that?

I stumbled over more heaps of boxes and managed to make my way over to the door. I grabbed onto the lock and fiddled with it but it wouldn't budge.

"Did I lock myself in by accident?"

I turned away from the door and walked up to a shelf in the corner; hoping to find a tool to pry the door open with. I searched through the toolboxes but was quickly distracted when I noticed a black silhouette standing a few feet away from me.

"Gabriela?" I called

The figure walked closer until the old oil lamp hanging from the wall was able to emit some light onto their face. It was indeed, Gabriela. She stared straight towards me; never once breaking eye contact and occasionally licking her lower lip. She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger and pressed her hand against my chest. I slowly backed away into the door and continued to fiddle with the lock.

"Gabby, stop it. Did you lock us in? The door won't budge"

She remained silent and walked closer until her crystal green eyes were just inches away from mine.

"Why do you want to leave? I'm here... and that's all you need. Gaege can't interrupt us now" she whispered before taking one last step forward and pressing her cherry lips onto mine.

The impact was so quick and strong that I got pushed right onto the floor. My back was pressed against the door and my knees were arched up. She climbed on top of me and wrapped her hands around my neck. I threw my hands up and gripped tightly onto her shoulders; trying my best to pry her off me. She didn't budge. Instead, she wrapped her legs around my torso; hooking on like a sloth to a tree branch and tightened her grip.

"G-Gabriela! Get off of m-me!! " I shouted

She shut me off by slamming her lips back onto mine and lowered one of her hands underneath my shirt. No, this isn't happening!

I tensed up my muscles and gathered all of the strength that I had. Gabriela was surprisingly strong but my anger was stronger. I ripped her hands off of my neck and chest and pried her legs off from around my torso. I kicked her away from me, accidentally hitting her crotch, before standing up and catching my breath.

"Gabby, what the fuck! I told you to stop this shit!" I yelled; watching her curl up in pain "OK, I'm sorry for kicking you but what the fuck were you thinking! Get away from me!"

She lifted her creased face and cuffed her hands around her crotch.

"Why are you yelling? I did nothing wrong! It's so quiet in here and... we're alone. Don't you love me? Don't you want me? I just tried to express my love for you and you left me with a fucking bruised crotch! What the fuck is wrong with you, Eddie!" she shouted before continuing her cry of pain

I took one last look at her sobbing face before returning to one of the shelves and picking up a hammer. I lowered my hand and was about to smash the door open when Gabby grabbed the tool.

"Wait right there, Eddie. You're not going anywhere..."

Letting Go (Eddie x Juicy) [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now