Chapter 13

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Josh's POV

The boys and I were strolling in my car when we came across Juicy's house.

"Is that light coming from his house?" asked Narrator; staring at the stream of light emitting from the ajar door.

"Yeah, weird. I'll go close it for him" added Mully

We pulled up into his drive-way, climbed out of the car and headed towards the front door.

"It's pretty late for all of these lights to be on" continued Mully; grabbing the doorknob "Yo Juicy! Your door is ope-"

Suddenly, we heard a loud crash echo from inside. Mully, being the worried friend he is, opened the door to take a look. We froze in shock as we were confronted by an unbelievable site.

Shredded cardboard boxes and torn curtains were scattered all over the place. The couch was tipped upside down and the pillows were ripped apart. The table was flipped onto its side with water and wine bottles shattered all over the carpet. Pieces of clothing were hung over the lamps and TV. Broken plates and cutlery covered the kitchen table. The fridge door was open and all of the food was smudged on the floor. The scene was devastating to look at. At that moment, I thought it looked more like a destruction site than Juicy's home.

"What the fuck happened here?!" yelled Mully

"I don't know but we have to find Juicy! Someone could've broken in or even worse!" added Narrator

As I took one last look at the catastrophic scene, I heard another crash from upstairs. More cardboard boxes stumbled down the stairs and an ear-piercing scream blared from the main bedroom.

"Juicy!" yelled the boys before rushing upstairs

We all ran to the stairs and I almost tripped over the huge amount of mess that was scattered on the floor. There were food and wine splatters all over the stairs with the furniture completely destroyed. The drapes were ripped apart and there were broken chandelier shards across the floor planks. The grandfather clock was smashed and the clock hands were thrown onto the floor. The hallway mirror was shattered and a baseball bat was resting next to it.

"Juicy?! Where are you!"

Another crash echoed from the main bedroom and we followed it. We jumped over the heaps of mess and pushed open the bedroom door. There stood Juicy; tossing his duvet cover into the air and ripping his curtains piece-by-piece.

"Juicy!! What are you doing?!" yelled Narrator

He let go of the curtains and turned around to face us. His eyes were bloodshot and he stumbled over the mess; clearly intoxicated.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" he yelled before proceeding to rip his curtains

Narrator pushed away the heaps of curtains and ran towards Juicy. He scooped him up into his arms and Mully and I followed them downstairs.

"Fucking let me go!" struggled Juicy; punching and scratching Narrator's face

Despite his resistance, Narrator didn't care. He carried Juicy down the stairs until we ran outside. He threw him onto the grass and pinned his hands next to his head.

"Stop resisting! Juicy, calm down and tell us what happened!"

"Let go of me, you fuck! L-Let go!" he yelled; trying to escape Narrator's grip

"No! Narrator is keeping you down until you tell us what happened!" yelled Mully

Juicy carried on to fight and struggle for a few more minutes until it seemed that he ran out of energy. We kept quiet as we watched him slowly calm down until he laid completely lifeless on the grass. He stopped screaming and his arms fell numb. After a few minutes of silence, Narrator let go of his wrists and stood up. Juicy remained still on the cold grass. His dull eyes then turned to us as they began to fill with tears. Before we knew it, Juicy began to cry. We all stepped back for a second as Juicy sat up and cried into his hands. The sudden change of his emotions left me confused. What's going on? Was this the alcohol or something else?

"Juicy, what happened?" whispered Narrator; rubbing the scratches on his face

"E-Ed..." stuttered Juicy

"What was that?" asked Mully

"Eddie" replied Juicy before proceeding to sob

We stood up and gave each other equally concerned looks to hear that name. Did Eddie do this? How could someone who loved Juicy so much put him in such a painful state? There has to be an explanation for this. I kneeled down to Juicy's level and wiped away his tears.

"Where is Eddie?" I asked

"A-At Lakewood w-with Ga-"

"With who?"


I looked at Mully and mirrored his shocked expression. Gabriela?! Oh no, this can't be good.

"Look, you guys stay here with Juicy and make sure he doesn't hurt himself or cause anymore damage. I'll drive to Lakewood and see what is happening" stated Narrator before leaping into his car and rushing to Lakewood.

Letting Go (Eddie x Juicy) [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now