Chapter 10

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Eddie's POV

After 70 uncomfortable and stressful minutes later, the class finally ended and we all gathered our books. As I was about to stand up, the professor stopped us.

"Wait up, class! For the students who have Mrs Bell's class now, please listen up. She unfortunately fell sick yesterday and an older substitute will be filling in for her today. Their class is in room 127. Be sure to behave!"

Mrs Bell is absent? Oh, this is great! Now I have a chance to talk to Juicy!

I removed my arm out of Gabby's grip and ran over to Juicy's desk.

"Juicy, can we talk?" I whispered

He slowly raised his head to face me and stared at me with a completely emotionless expression. His dull green eyes stared coldly towards me while his lips remained frozen-still on his face. Without uttering a single word, he turned around and picked up his bag from the floor.


He turned back around but didn't face me this time. He remained silent and began to pack his books into his bag one-by-one. Once his desk was cleared, he slowly stood up from his chair and walked right past me.

"Juicy, wait!" I called as I grabbed his arm

He immediately hit my hand away before turning back around.

"Let go of my arm, Eddie" he firmly replied

"Wait, I want to talk to you"

"No, I don't want to speak to you. Let go of my arm"

"But Juicy-"

"I said let go"



The last bit of hope that I had left instantly shattered into a million pieces. I sighed before eventually removing my hand and stepping back.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled

Still completely silent, I watched as he quickly readjusted his bag strap on his shoulder before joining the rest of the students as they exited the classroom.

Once everyone left, I walked up to the professor's desk.

"If I see that thing again, I will confiscate it until the end of the year. Do you hear me, young man?" exclaimed the professor; handing me back my phone

"Yes, sir. Sorry" I replied; taking the phone out of his hand and heading towards the door

Once I was out of the classroom, I closed the door behind me and immediately sprinted down the hallway.

"Fuck fuck fuck! This is a disaster! I should've expected this!" I thought 

I dashed past groups of students and slid past the lockers. I may have accidently knocked into a few students but I had no time to apologize. Every minute was crucial. I had to get to Juicy on time or else-

"Eduardo! Wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks and instantly clutched my fists. Seriously? Can I not go anywhere without being interrupted for once?


I managed to calm myself down before turning around. I then watched as a young, short teacher emerged from amongst the crowd of students. It was Miss Davis.

"What's got you in such a rush? Do you have a date or something to get to?" she laughed

"No Miss, sorry. I'm just really in a rush to get to class"

Letting Go (Eddie x Juicy) [TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now