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Mature Content 

"Please, make yourself at home." Antonia waved around and made her way into the kitchen, leaving an amused Rhys behind. He had accepted her offer solely in the heat of the moment, and he was kind of bummed at how cosy he was starting to get with her. He watched her scuffle in the small kitchen and shook his head. He should be back at home now, what was he doing here with a Professor of his Academy a.k.a his submissive?

"Do you want sugar?" he heard her call out. 

"No," he replied and looked around the apartment. It had a feminine tinge to it, but it seemed barren and cold. He kept his jacket on the sofa and walked up to the window, watching the sun slowly set. Rhys loved watching sunsets, it gave him serenity. 

"I love watching sunsets..." he turned his head at the voice of Antonia, who was looking out of the window, then shifted her eyes to him. A small smile broke out in his face, and he nodded, 

"Me too." 

"Here, your tea." Antonia placed the cup on the table and stared at his back, checking out his broad shoulders and manly physique. She had never been with such a man before, and she still had a hard time grasping the fact that she was submissive to one. 

"It must get pretty lonely for you, doesn't it?" he spoke, and her vision centred into his face. She realized that she had zoned out. 

"Yeah, it does, sometimes..." she entwined her hands in front of her stomach and looked down at the floor. 

"Why did you travel all the way from Spain to London? I'm sure Spain has a lot of good Universities as well." he strode towards the sofa and sat on it, gazing intently at her face. She was hesitant and doubtful, as was evident from her fidgety fingers. 

"My brother...he wanted...to study in the Queen's..." she said with a low voice. 

"Could he?" Rhys picked up the cup of tea. 

"He died in a plane crash on his way to London." Gosh, how she hated it when the tears spilt down her cheeks. 

"I'm..so..sorry.." Rhys put down his cup, suddenly at a loss of words. 

"My parents couldn't afford me studying in the Queen's, but they used up whatever they had to send me to London," Antonia sniffed, "I couldn't study in your Academy, but I've always wanted to teach there." 

Rhys looked up to see the tear-stained face of the History Professor, and for the first time in several long years, he felt his heart ache for someone. He got up from his seat and stood in front of her, knowing, that what he was about to do would only get the both of them in further delusions. 

"I'm sorry, I-" he studied how she frantically wiped at her face, ashamed to spill tears in front of him. 

"Shh." was the only word he whispered before pulling her into an embrace. His arms snaked around her waist as he held her tightly, feeling her small hands against his chest as she sobbed silently. She was not his first submissive, not the first woman he had sex with, but, somehow, she would be his first in a thing neither of them had expected. 

"I'm..sorry.." she sobbed into his shirt and tried to push away from him. Rhys did not try to hold her back but kept his arms around her body. She was warm, and her hair was still dishevelled from before. Rhys entwined his fingers in her curls and brushed them downwards. 

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