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c h a p t e r    t w e n t y - o n e 

Mature Content 

The elevator could not have been slower. 

Antonia impatiently tapped her foot on the ground, occasionally stealing glances at the tall man standing beside her, hands in pocket and a face devoid of any emotion. 

"You've been going easy on me." she said suddenly, and Rhys turned his head slowly towards her, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly. 

"Clementine said you have shared your subs with her before, so why not me?" Antonia saw the muscles in his jaw tighten, but he kept his stone face. 

"You won't admit it, but I know," Antonia jabbed a finger in his face, "that you don't fuck me like one of your submissives." 

She had a second to squeal as Rhys's hands came down around her throat and her body crashed against the wall behind her, her hands pinned up over her head and Rhys's hot breath falling on her nose. Her chest trembled. 

"You want to be fucked like one of my submissives?" Rhys growled, gripping her throat hard. Antonia could not find the confidence she had a moment before, hell, she could not even move under those hazel eyes. 

"Very well then," The elevator doors opened and Rhys pushed her into the living room, and she stumbled a bit before turning to look at him, "take a shower and meet me here in exactly ten minutes. Don't make me wait for a second more." 

Without wasting any more time, Antonia bolted. 

In the bathroom, Antonia almost ripped apart her blouse because she could not untie the laces. Once undressed, she quickly stepped inside the spacious shower room and turned on the shower, making sure she did not get her hair too wet. Her hands moved fast over her body and within five minutes she was all done. 

Hopping out of the shower wrapped up in a towel, she ran her fingers through her now tangled curls to straighten them somewhat. What was she at? Seven minutes? She stood in front of the mirror, drying her face and neck with another towel before discarding it and running out of the bathroom, through the bedroom, down the stairs to the living room. 

Rhys was not there yet, so she walked up to the sofa, almost slipping from the water on the underside of her bare feet. She fixed the towel around her body and continued detangling her curly locks. She was so concentrated in her vicious curls that she did not hear the footsteps behind her until she felt a hand come up from behind and close around her throat. She jerked a little but did not resist. By now, she had memorized the feeling of that hand. 

"Drop the towel." his words were whispered right into her ear, and she shivered, letting go of the cloth. It slid down her body and pooled around her feet, leaving her body naked and cold. 

She sucked in a deep breath as she felt hard muscles on her back and another hand trailed gently down her chest, along her sternum to her stomach, forming goosebumps on her smooth skin. Rhys took her earlobe between his teeth, making her whimper and push against him in need. 

"Antonia," holding her chin between his forefinger and thumb, Rhys tilted her face to meet his, "I need to know, do you trust me?" 

Antonia's heart galloped inside her chest, as she brought a tender hand on top of his, which was resting on her stomach, and looked confidently into those beautiful eyes. 

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