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c h a p t e r    t w e n t y - t h r e e 

Mature Content

By the time Antonia woke up, night had fallen. Snuggling inside the blanket, she turned around and was met by Rhys, who was working intently on his laptop. The night lamp on the bedside table illuminated his face in a golden hue, and in the dim light, she could see he was shirtless. 

"Do you ever take a break?" she stretched out her arms and yawned. He chuckled mischievously. 

"I do," his fingers moved deftly across the keyboard, "and I usually fuck History professors during that time." 

Antonia scoffed and tried to get up, but her womanly organs protested against her decision. She had a couple of boyfriends before, and even though they were not too bad in bed, they were definitely not a match for the man sitting beside her. 

A small sinister smile lighted up her face. Her previous partners had boasted a lot about their skills in bed, like how 'you will think of me when you walk' or 'I will ruin you for any other man'. 

Rhys did not have to say anything. 

"I noticed that you're wearing one of my t-shirts." He commented, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. Antonia looked down and saw the dark blue t-shirt she had borrowed from his closet. It was too big on her, reaching up to her thighs and the sleeves ending at her elbows. 

"Mmm...it's my shirt now." she stuck out her tongue at him, making him scoff. She giggled and tried getting up again, this time her attempt being successful. She yawned again, and plopped against his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. 

Rhys sighed and kissed the top of her head, making her heart flutter. Closing her eyes, she let herself be completely consumed by the warm, jittery feeling that had spread out in her chest. She knew it was only a matter of time before the pleasant emotion morphed into a knife stabbing her heart. And no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to prepare herself for that. 

A drop of tear made its way out of her eye, and she sniffled. This was not supposed to happen, she thought, no strings were supposed to be attached

"Antonia?" Rhys put his laptop away and turned to look at her, concern etched on his features. Had the wax burnt too hot? Did it hurt too much in between her legs? 

"What's the matter?" he asked and pulled her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. Antonia put her arms around his neck and shook her head, not making eye contact. Holding her chin with his thumb and forefinger, he turned her face up. "Where does it hurt?" 

My heart, Antonia thought as she smiled through her fresh tears, it hurts so much. 

"I'm having what is commonly known as an emotional drop," Antonia wiped her face with the back of her palms and looked into his worried eyes, "I'm sure you've handled it before." 

"Yes, and I can assure you that this is not it." Rhys cupped her face with his palms, "What's the matter? You can tell me anything." 

Antonia held his hands and kissed the inside of his palms, a mischievous smile glinting up her face. 

"Anything?" she repeated with a seductive tone, leaning in and pressing her lips gently on his cheek, "Is that a soft limit?" 

Grabbing her by the back of her head, Rhys pulled her face towards him but did not kiss her, instead, bit her bottom lip. Antonia moaned as he captured her lower lip between his teeth and tugged at it. 

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS | 18+ |✔Where stories live. Discover now