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c h a p t e r     t w e n t y - s i x 

"Can I go home for the day?" Antonia asked with venom in her voice, "I don't think I can do my classes with this huge hickey on my neck." 

Rhys was buttoning up his shirt while whistling and paid no attention to her. Puffing up her chest, she stomped her foot. 

"Rhys! What were you thinking?" she demanded, standing naked in his office. Rhys had been exceptionally reckless today, and she was sure that if anyone had passed the corridor, had heard her whimpers at least once. Like Clementine had said, it was impossible to stay quiet when he was railing you with his royal manhood. 

"What was I thinking?" He did the last button and looked at her, running his fingers through his messy hair, "I was thinking that the love bite looks really good on you." 

In a flash, Antonia grabbed a cushion from the sofa and threw it at him, which he caught with one hand. 

"I was just doing what you asked me to do, Antonia," he held the cushion to his chest with a hurt look in his eyes, "You know, that 'the first thing you're gonna do when you come back is take me'." Antonia narrowed her eyes and her lips formed a flat line.

"You're feeling very humorous today," she snatched her discarded skirt and underwear from the ground and started putting them on, "I wonder if something good happened." 

"It did," Rhys put the cushion back to its place and walked up to her, "I am really feeling very happy today, Antonia." 

"Well, I am glad," Antonia pulled down her blouse and tucked it in the skirt, then gave him a dirty look, "what am I supposed to do with this hickey?" 

Rhys caught hold of her wrist and pulled her to him, making their lips meet in a gentle kiss. Then, tilting her head slightly to the side with his palms, he placed a fleeting kiss on the somewhat round red patch on her neck. The touch of his lips was so delicate that it made Antonia's body weak under her clothes and hold on to his broad shoulders for support. 

"The day after tomorrow," he whispered, withdrawing his face from the nape of her neck to face her, his hands on her waist, "is my mother's birthday. Every year, the professors of the Academy are cordially invited to the celebration." 

Antonia blinked and started fidgeting with the collar of his shirt, "Is this supposed to be my invitation?" 

"Yes, unless," Rhys let her fiddle with his shirt, "you want an invitation card, personally written by me." 

"That'd be nice," Antonia winked, "after all, I am now a permanent professor of this Academy, Mr Clyde." 

Rhys grinned and shook his head, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead before striding around the table and sitting down on his chair. He pulled the chair towards the desk and took out a piece of paper, and began writing on it. Antonia fixed her dress and her hair, watching him intently write down. He was left-handed, she saw and realized that there were so many things she did not know about the man to who she had given her body. 

And possibly, her heart. 

She breathed in deeply, trying to get rid of the painful thoughts. How long would this go on? A few months? A year? Not more than a year and a half. He was bound to get tired of her and what if she found a man who loved her? Someone who could cherish and protect all of her along with her dark side? 

Why couldn't it be you, Antonia smiled ruefully, watching the Chancellor stick out his tongue as he folded his letter in an envelope, why couldn't it be you, Rhys? 

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