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c h a p t e r      t h i r t y - t h r e e 

Antonia woke up alone in bed. 

It was still dark outside, although there was not much time left for dawn to come. Briefly, she thought if she should go back to sleep since it was a Saturday, but the absence of the chancellor had made the sheets cold. Groaning, she forced her body to get up. 

Rhys had spent a considerable amount of time in her aftercare, but nothing could reduce the immense pain that raked her womanhood. It had dulled a little from before, but it was still stinging as she moved. She was not complaining, since it meant that she would get to spend her weekend at his place. 

Twisting her body in various weird positions to minimize the pain, she finally managed to get down from the bed. He had given her a t-shirt to wear, but she still thought that she should find her dress. 

Or Emma's dress, to be exact.

She sighed and slapped her forehead. Explaining her disappearance was going to be a pain for her, so she needed to make up foolproof lies beforehand. As she took steps, she regretted everything she had done in life at the stabs of pain from her vagina. However, she gulped down the discomfort and made her way out of the room. 

The staircase and the living room were empty, and there were no sounds coming from the kitchen as well. Deciding that he was in his office, she slowly made her way there, satisfied once she heard his voice. 

The door opened silently, and she peeped in. He was talking on his phone, with his back towards her, giving her the perfect opportunity to sneak up on him. She tip-toed into the room, pursing her lips and being as quiet as she could. Luckily for her, he was busy on his phone call, so he did not pay much attention to what was happening behind him. Once she was within a range of a jump, she leapt. 

"I will have to- FUCK! JESUS!" 

Antonia grabbed his waist from behind and muffled her howls of laughter in the back of his t-shirt. She heard him comically excuse himself from whoever was on the other side of the call, and as soon as he hung up, she laughed out loud. 

"It was an important phone call." He was so not amused. 

"I'm sorry," Antonia managed between laughs, "if it makes you feel better, you can spank me as much as you want." 

Rhys rolled his eyes and pulled her to him. "I'll save that for later," he kissed her softly, "but more importantly, why are you awake?" 

"The bed is cold without you," she said, "what were you doing at this hour?" 

"I got a call from one of our University trustees," he sighed, and she noticed the tiredness in his eyes, "there is an emergency, so I'll have to leave for Cardiff in an hour." 

"In an hour?" she turned around in search of a clock, and once she found it, she said, disappointed, "it's four in the morning." 

"I know," he put his head on her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around him, "I'll be back in the evening." 

"You look so tired," she mumbled, "I wish you could rest." Her fingers raked his hair, and he felt like living in her arms forever. 

"I wish I could too," he whispered, "I am so tired." 

When he said those words, she had a feeling that he was not talking about that moment. It was almost as if he was tired of his work life, and he needed a break. 

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