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Antonia moaned out loud as Rhys brought a finger to her clit and rubbed it while continuing to ram ruthlessly into her. She responded to his torture by clamping down her walls around him, making him growl. 

"Holy fuck..." Rhys groaned and bit down on his lip while panting, a sight that elicited a delicious whimper from the writhing woman under him. 

"Can I come, sir, please?" she begged, earning herself a particularly hard thrust, which hit a spot so deep inside her that her eyes rolled back to her head. 

"Already?" Rhys smirked, reaching out to grab the vibrator from the nightstand, " we haven't even used this yet." 

Antonia could only whimper, watching as he switched on the device, and slowly brought it to replace his thumb at her clit. As soon as the vibrating tip touched her already sensitive nub, she arched her back and cried out, bringing her hands from above her to desperately hold the machine, in an attempt to push it away. It was too much for her, and her impending orgasm was driving her crazy. 

"Here," putting the vibrator at its maximum power, Rhys grabbed hold of her wrists and made her hold it to her clit, "you can do it better, I presume."

"Oh fuck!" Antonia squealed, her fingers tightening painfully around the cylindrical object. Rhys pistoned in and out of her at a steady pace, watching in sadistic pleasure as her face distorted into all sorts of expressions as she struggled to hold in her orgasm. 

"Can I please come, sir..." Antonia's mind was going blank, "please..." 

Rhys roughly pushed three of his fingers inside her mouth, smiling at how she instinctively started sucking them. 


Antonia let out a muffled scream, closing her shaking legs around his hips and arching her back. Rhys pulled out his fingers from her mouth and held her waist lightly with his hands, as she trembled in her mind-numbing release. 

Once down from her high, Antonia brought her tied wrists to cover her eyes and started sniffling. Rhys's eyes widened in concern. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, switching off the vibrator and leaning over her face, "Are you hurt?" 

"No, it just...." Antonia wiped her eyes and nose and giggled up at him, "it felt so good that I couldn't hold back my tears." Her face was flushed, shining with sweat and her eyes glittered. Rhys smiled softly. 

"Good, because we're not over yet." He placed a small kiss on her lips and straightened, pulling himself out of her cunt. "You can't be the only one who feels good, right? Get on all fours." 

"Why, sure, sir." Antonia managed to turn around on her stomach and got up on all fours. As soon as her ass was on full display, Rhys spanked it harshly, eliciting a humourous squeal from her.

"I wonder how long you've been waiting to do that, sir." Antonia was answered by another spank on her ass and the fullness of the Chancellor's dick inside her. 


"You're such a freak," Antonia concluded, panting on top of his smooth, muscled chest as held her tightly, reeling from his climax.

"You are the last person I want to hear that from, Antonia." Rhys kissed the top of her head and loosened his grip on her so that she could slide down to lay beside him. 

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