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c h a p t e r   t h r e e 

Rhys had trouble keeping his mind on focus. As he guided Antonia through the corridors to the classroom, he found himself occasionally glancing over his shoulder to watch the young woman follow him, with her head hung low. 

There was a certain tension between them, and Rhys knew exactly why he was so bothered by the presence of this young professor, and he was definitely not liking it. The woman behind him was ordinary, nothing like the extraordinary women Rhys had dated and...been intimate with before.However, something about Antonia's bodily gestures, her blue doe eyes, her pink plump lips and the way she spoke "sir", irked his deepest, darkest feelings which had not surfaced for the longest time now, and for god's sake, he had only known her for a few minutes!

Rhys slowed down his pace, his mind reeling back to the moment when he caught her biting her lips. He was well aware that she was checking him out, and frankly, he was used to it. He had no misconception about his exceptional good looks and had no shame to admit that he had used them to acquire something at one point of his life. Still, the awe which he noticed in Antonia's eyes when he saw her practically drooling over him, made him feel godly, like an angel sent straight from heaven. 

If she only had the first idea of the 'angel' Rhys was, she would resign from her job faster than you could say 'Robinson Crusoe.' 

He glanced over his shoulders again and smiled at the astonishment in her face. Then, all of a sudden, he noticed her lips. 

She was biting them again. 


His fingers involuntarily curled into a fist and his jaws tightened. In utmost shock, he found his body produce such feelings which were deemed highly unprofessional and perverted. Also, he dared not mention the trail of deceitful thoughts that invaded his mind, giving him visual knowledge of what he wanted to do with her lips. 

As a matter of fact, with the whole of her. 

Calming down his senses, he wondered if hiring her was a mistake. She had excellent qualifications, no doubt, but she was young. Too young to be teaching in a university like the Queen's. 

Even so, he contradicted his own opinion. 

When he completed his PhD in Mathematics at the premature age of twenty-five, he was called over by teaching institutions all around the world. The Harvard University labelled him as a genius, and since then his career has been skyrocketing. He had served as a lecturer in all the leading education centres across the globe, written a book of his own and earned quite a fortune. 

That was until his father died. Two years ago, on his seventieth birthday, Professor Robert Clyde suffered a massive cardiac arrest from which he could not be saved. Since he was the Chancellor of the Queen's when he died, the authorities pressured Rhys to take over the position until they found someone else. Unwillingly, Rhys gave in, letting his whole dazzling future fall into stagnancy. 

He still lamented his decision, and he knew very well that many of the professors in the academy, who were much older and more experienced than him, could not accept him as the Chancellor. However, it did not change the fact that he had contributed a lot to the growth of the university in this short period of time. 

"The academy is really big...sir..." he heard Antonia's pleasant voice behind him, and all his thoughts shifted to her. Yes, she was young, and she deserved a chance. 

"It is," he replied, looking over his shoulder and smirking at her awestruck expression. It was evident that she was brought up very modestly, unlike him, who had never been in anything but luxury. He observed how her stunning blue eyes sparkled and lips parted sweetly as she awed at the beautiful designs on the walls. 

The longer he stared at her, the harder he found it to look away. 

I've been alone for too long, I guess. He thought in mock humour and shook his head mentally. He must be quite desperate if a young History professor who he had just met turned him on-wait, what?

 Blowing out a breath, he looked at his right and saw the classroom door. He stood in front of it and turned his head towards the young woman, who had also come to a halt right beside him. His six-foot-three towered over her petite build, and he found his mind give rise to indecent images of how he would tie her up and-


"We're here, Antonia." he declared, staring fixedly at her, amused at her gulps of fear and shorter breaths. 

"Ri-right," she tucked a lock of her brown hair behind her ear and looked straight into his eyes. 

The world around them seemed to slow down, eventually coming to a standstill as they gazed into each other's eyes. The Chancellor's calculated hazel eyes met the young Professor's innocent blue ones, smirking inwardly at the dilated pupils, glad to know he was having the same effect on her as she was having on him. 

"Let's go." he uttered, a bit confused at the breathless tone of his usual calm and deep voice. He watched as Antonia nodded, but before he could look away, he saw the hooded look she shot him and he instantly felt the effect in his pants. 

"Oh God..." he heard himself say, watching the young woman's eyes twinkle as she flicked her tongue over her lips.

"Is anything the problem... Sir?" she bit her lips. Goddamnit. 

"In case you missed it the first time, let me repeat it again," Rhys turned his whole body towards her, "do not bite your lips in my presence." 

She replied in a heartbeat, "And what if I do?" her voice was barely a whisper. 

"You wouldn't want me to answer that question." He rasped out, then facing away from her, slid the door open to the classroom and strode in, leaving a flushed Antonia behind.


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