e p i l o g u e (i)

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Mature Content 

F O U R   Y E A R S   L A T E R ] 

The Eiffel Tower, made in 1887, stands at a height of 330m to the tip and was the first tourist attraction of the Paris World Fair. It took two years to construct and attracts seven million tourists every year. 

There was a crowd at the bottom of the tower, apparently for the tickets to the top. People walked fast speaking a language that was foreign to the woman standing in the grass, staring at the marvellous piece of architecture in front of her eyes. 

It was summer, and it was considerably warm in France, so she shrugged off her bag and dropped it to the ground, then proceeded to tie her unruly hair. The Champs-de-Mars was green as far as her eyes went, with people laying down mats in the shades of the trees to sit down and have a picnic. She saw a woman laugh with her partner as they spread the cloth over the grass, and regret washed over her. 

They were supposed to do it together. However, now she was alone. 

All because she could not be careful. 

Antonia took a deep breath and looked around her. 

She was lost. 

People seemed to increase the longer she stood there, and the chances of her staying there until the evening seemed to solidify. Among the numerous heads, she just wished she would see his familiar tuft of hair as he rushed to her, but that was just wishful thinking. 

In her bag lay two phones, one hers and one he had trusted her with, just in case he lost it in the crowd. 

He had no idea that she would get lost herself. 

The thought almost brought a smile to her face, but then she noticed the strange glances some people threw at her. Paris was the city of love, and someone standing alone on the grass, staring at the Tower either meant that she was single, or she had been dumped. 

It was neither, she was there with her boyfriend, who had given her his smartphone and asked her to stay below the tower while he bought the tickets to the top. However, she had very confidently strayed away with the intent of buying a few drinks since they would go to the roof and had been swept away by the humongous crowd. 

The location in her mobile's GPS said she was in the middle of Champs-de-Mars, the gardens of the Eiffel Tower. The beauty of it was lost on her as she realized that she had ruined their trip for the day by forgetting that she was a disaster at navigation. 

She had gotten lost in his mansion, what was she thinking? 

Antonia wondered if he was searching frantically for her, with the tickets in his hands, hundreds of euros wasted because of her. Maybe they could have had the drinks after coming down, she thought as she looked at the coca-cola cans in her hands. 

She was thirsty, so she would drink one while wallowing in self-pity. The can opened with a hiss, and just as she was about to take a sip, it flew out of her hand. 

"You, have the audacity to get lost," Rhys seethed, "and then have a drink on your own?

He panted as he downed the coca-cola and then handed the empty can over to her, while she held back tears. Sweat glistened on his collarbones that were visible from the top two unbuttoned buttons of his white shirt, which he had matched with beige jeans and sneakers. He had really been running around, looking for her, and she saw the relief mixed with anger in those hazel eyes. 

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