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Mature Content 

Antonia closed the door behind her, her heart beating like a sledgehammer against her chest. Earlier, she could swear she saw something daunting in Clementine's eyes, a look that said that her panties came back with a price. 

Briefly, she considered deserting her underwear and just going home, but a small, bratty part of her was excited. She had only seen female dominants at work in videos before, and Antonia knew that Clementine could very well be the female version of Rhys. 

But, how far was she willing to go with her? 

The idea of kissing another woman did not repulse Antonia, nor did the thought of eating out someone else's cunt, however, she was not prepared for it. 

Her trance was broken by two light knocks on the washroom door, and she knew that it was her. Gulping, she slowly turned the knob and parted the door to peek outside, and fair enough, it was Clementine, with a smirk on her lips and danger in her eyes. She pushed the door wider and got in, then kicked the door back shut, but she did not bother locking it.


Clementine had her fair share of men and women before, but even though her experience with female submissives was constrained, she instantly felt a feral conviction at seeing the professor in front of her, her face flushed, hands fidgety and head bowed low. 

I hope you know that you're one lucky bastard, she mentally commented to Rhys, putting her purse on the sink beside and proceeding to tie up her hair in a bun. Too bad she was going to leave BDSM after this, but she was glad that Antonia was her last. 

And judging by the current situation, she snickered inwardly, you might as well be his last too. 

"Get on the sink." her voice was absolute, and left no space for words, or so she thought. 

Antonia did not budge, but shifted on her feet slightly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry, but I...I need permission." 

You're really one hell of a lucky bastard, Rhys Clyde

"How do you think I got your panties?" 

Antonia bit her lips but did not say anything else, making the physicist smile. She had always been good at setting up situations that were easier for her to manipulate. The woman in front of her was not stupid, and Clementine was certain that she was thinking Rhys had given her the underwear as an alternate way of saying 'I have given Clementine the permission to fuck you.'

Just like the femdom wanted. 

"I...please give them back..." her voice was soft and scared, fueling Clementine's animosity even more. 

"Shut up and get on the fucking sink. I won't say it again." 

There was a minute of hesitation, and as Antonia's bratty side overpowered, she quietly made her way to the sink and hoisted herself up with her hands, the cold of the marble seeping through her dress and to her butt. 

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