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(2 months later)
(third person pov)

touring has been amazing for the group they have made it to the last show which was the biggest one yet but so far with all the practice and the rehearsal and late night trips summer has taken some of the best pictures ever while all of them got to have the life the all pictured living.

"hey babe" daniel said snapping the girl out of her thoughts she looked to the side to see the toothy grin peering into her bunk "hi bub" she said running her hand through his hair as his chin rested on her bunk "i wanna cuddle" he said hopping in causing the two to laugh.

daniel laid down placing the girl on top of his body. her hands wrapped around his neck while his wrapped around her waist drawing small circles on her back. "dani why haven't out eyes changed back yet?" the girl questioned "i have no clue love" he said looking slightly don't to the girl who's chin was resting on his chest

the temptation they both had to kiss each other was  skyrocketing. they both wanted to so bad but were so scared. finally daniel did it. he leaned in causing the the girl to prop her self up in shock and leaning in as well.

it was sweet and passionate causing both the soulmates hearts to race. they pulled away smiling at each other "sums i love you" daniel said fixing a piece of hair and placing it behind her ear"i love you too seavey" she said giggling

"THEY SAID IT THEY FINALLY SAID IT" zach's voice yelled through the whole bus. next thing they knew the curtain was pulled open to reveal the four boys looking in cheering

"shut up" she groaned trying to close the curtain but was stopped my corbyn "wait" he said getting getting close to my face before letting out a huff "your eyes aren't changing"

little did the group know the change is different for everyone. some change when they first meet, some when they share their first kiss, have their first kid. it's different for everyone which makes this trait so unfortunately hard to discover.

luckily the pair had two marks helping them find the one sooner. "we're here" the driver said as the bus came to a stop. they all headed out the bus to reveal the biggest arena yet. so many people would be at the show today causing all the boys to be extremely nervous

they examined the arena in awe as the stepped on stage. summer looked at this as an opportunity to take pictures of them taking in how big this is even though they don't see it yet.

"sound check boys summer come here" david said as the boys headed one way while summer headed towards the man "this is huge for them. you gotta understand that the pics you took last show was amazing but these need to be even better it's something they need to showcase on all platforms to grow. please i trust you" he said slightly nervous himself since this is the biggest arena anyone he's managed has been to

she smiled at his resting a hand on his shoulder "david i promise to him gonna take some of the best pictures i have ever taken. i just need your word that i can get a whole 360 on the stage. he nodded patting her back as she headed out to adjust her camera to the lights in the arena

time flew by as the boys finally entered the stage the crowd roaring form all around making the boys feel exhilaration taking in the adrenal from the shouts and the cheers the crowd was sending them.

summer snapping pictures of the boys all standing and moving around as they sang getting the best shots ever she pushed herself around getting pushed a little and annoying people but did her job just how she was told getting amazing results.

the boys did their little break talk talking to all the fans as summer admired daniel changing out my lenses. he looked down at her smiling with his toothy grin and she smiled back.

"guys we can't thank you enough this tour has just been amazing and in honor or christmas being just a week ago we decided for one last christmas song"

them saying that caused the crowd to roar in excitement as they finished off the show with one last song. they did the final group photo of the year as summer hopped up on the stage causing some of the fans to recognize her and cheer.

finally the show was over. they did it they completed a world freaking tour

the boys ran off so excited and happy hugging everyone and thanking everyone for the hard work they've been putting in these past few months.

daniel walked over to summer wrapping his arms around her waist "you did it bub" she said hugging him tightly "none of it would've been possible without you" daniel said pulling her in closer if even possible. they stayed like that and heard a click of a camera

the quickly looked to see zach summers photography partner snapping picks as she sticked out her tongue.

they all decided to head out to a celebratory dinner  taking the crew and everyone basically renting out a small venue. the boys headed into a small stage with a much thanking everybody

"thank you all so much for making this tour happen. thank you to david for managing all of this and well dealing with our shit" daniel said reading off the paper adding small details of his own causing the crowd to laugh

"and to zach and my lovely girlfriend summer for photography " he said smiling at summer "and not to mention the crew and our families. without all of you none of this would happen so that you for the best tour ever annddddd SEE YOU ON THE NEXT ONE" daniel said with the boys joining in on the last big cheer as the whole crowd clapped and made small cheers.

they did what they did best and they all did it with the people they loved

having loved ones by your side is so so so important without them we would be no one and we need our yellows. never forget that.


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