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(third person pov)

"i have to get back there i can't be without daniel through this" summer said paving back and forth "babes i know but you have us" jess said trying to calm the hyperventilating girl.

summer sat on the couch with here head between her hands. coby sat in silence not knowing what to say "what if i drive there" summer said causing jess and coby to exchange looks

"what" the girl said said with a confused look "are you ya know.." jess said not knowing how to put it to words. finally coby spoke "mentally stable enough sums look at you your a reck"

this made jess and summer shocked. summer scoffed and walked upstairs locking the door to the guest bedroom calling daniel immediately

he answered with no hesitation smiling but his grin slowly faded when he saw the upset girl on the other end "love what's wrong" he said concerned

just looking at him made summer miss him more causing a year to run down her cheek. they've been together non stop for months. being separated for so long scared her. she needed him now. he was her yellow

"daniel i miss you" she said letting tears run down her cheeks "i miss you more don't worry this can be fixed we can figure this out" he said. all he wanted to do was hug his girl right now mad at himself that he didn't go with her.

"i'm gonna drive over." she said setting the phone down grabbing the suitcase "babe that's a long drive are u mentally prepared for that" he asked softly "not you too" she said rolling her eyes.

"no no i don't mean your crazy i just want you to be in the right headspace driving for so long" she stopped packing and sat down grabbing the phone

"breathe sums" he said and she did claiming herself down

"tomorrow i'm gonna wake up extremely early and head out and i'll stop along the way" she said softly making a plan

"i like that plan" he said nodding softly "just promise me you will be on the phone with me the whole car ride okay i need to make sure your safe" he said sternly "daniel i'm not gonna make you do th-"

"please" he said softly she nodded into the camera and he smiled "go get some rest you and i have a long day" he said giggling.

they parted ways and summer headed to bed. she was laying there for a little trying to fall asleep when fsoft knocks came from the door

"babes it's me" jess cooed but she didn't respond "look what you did dumbass" she continued walking away

(summers pov)

i woke up to the sun blazing through the window
i looked at my phone to reveal it was 11 am seeing a text from daniel and jess. i opened daniel first saying good morning and what now discussing out plan

then i opened jess's text

"hey sums! i know you probably wanna leave in the morning and i understand if you do but i want to make sure u and coby are okay and that u are prepared and your gonna drive safe. you can take your car back also i've been using it but i'm getting one in about a month anyway just please say bye. love you night"

i sighed and got up putting on sweats a random sweatshirt which turned out to be daniels. i put some slides on and headed down to see jess and coby sitting at the table

"hey guys" i said softly grabbing a water bottle. "hey sums look i'm really sorry-" coby started but i stopped him

"don't worry you were just nervous and you were right but i'm all good now" i smiled putting my hand on his shoulder

"so then what are we gonna do today speaking that we're locked up" he said taking another bite of his food. me and jess looked at each other causing coby to look confused

"i'm still leaving but don't worry daniel is gonna meet me half way" i lied not wanting him to worry. he huffed but knew i was gonna do it anyway

we packed up my old car. it was not old old it was three years old but it wasn't the car i've always wanted.

i packed my last bag in there and turned to jess and coby. i went and hugged jess first saying out goodbyes and then turned to coby who engulfed me in a hug

"just please be careful okay?" i nodded pulling away and heading into my car. i placed my phone onto the stand calling daniel and pulling out of the parking lot

"hey sums" he said into the phone causing me to smile

"ready for our virtual road trip"

hey so sorry i haven't updated so quick. a the first few chapters i had drafted because i didn't know honestly if i was gonna publish this. and b i haven't been feeling too hot and i'm on a family vacay so i'll definitely try to write a few chapters to post all together on the same day yk
luv yall


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