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i woke up to the soft snores of the boy next to me smiling at the boy i finally found. even thoughts just met it felt like we've know each other for a lifetime and even though we've been through rough patches without each other we have each other for the rest of our lives together

i turned to face the sweet boy as his eyes fluttered open "good morning" he coped as he kissed my cheek "good morning handsome" he turned red and nuzzled his head into my neck falling asleep again

we laid there for ten more minutes before i had to pee. i got up and did my business before the scent of bacon hit my nose. i went into the kitchen to see jonah cooking

"good morning" he said with a smile on his face "good morning jonah you didn't have too" i said sitting on the barstool "it's the least i could do after you let us all crash here" he said flipping a pancake

we chatted until i saw the time "8:55 shit what day is it" "Thursday why?" he said. i jumped up and ran to my room busting the door open causing daniel to wake up. i tan and looked for my biker shorts and tank top throwing them on not even caring that daniel was there

"love what's wrong" he said stopping me and grabbing my shoulders "work i'm late" i said in a panic. looking around. he took his hand and forced me to look at him "breathe" he said mimicking and in and out motion which caused me to follow.

"thank you" i said smiling and he kissed my cheek "look when you guys wanna leave you can take my keys if not you guys can chill here and we can hang out after" i said smiling and grabbing my bag

"yes of course we would love to have a good day" he said as i walked out the door saying my goodbyes

i riser in to see a very pissed john and nervous sam. one thing he didn't tolerate was lateness. "i'm so sorry-" "you do it again your fired now your locking up" i stood there shocked at his reaction "b-but that's not fair i have school and-" "i don't care consequences are consequences if you cant do your job then quit before i fire you"

i've never seen this side of john and for once in my life i didn't feel sympathetic i was enraged i stomped back there

"i don't know who tf you think i am but i'm summer rose miller and i don't know about you but i'm the best damn fucking worker here. do you think jasmine who's been here for years could do a better job then me...no that's what i thought because in a matter of two months i've managed to do a better job for less money then half the people you hire. so ya know what i quit."

he looked at me shocked as i picked up my last check and walked to sam giving him a hug "look i'm always three blocks away" he nodded and smiled knowing i was in the right but couldn't say anything because it's his dad. i walked out feeling empowered but then realized i quit my job "shit" i said as i moped to the car.

i drove and parked to reveal the boys car still in my guest parking spot. i got out and headed up to see the boys having a pillow fight until i walked in

the five froze causing us all to laugh "jeez thirty minutes that's a quick shift" daniel said kissing my cheek "ha i quit"

the boys all looked at me shocked. i sat them down and spent 15 minutes explaining "fuck him who does he think he is" corbyn said pissed off at him not even knowing john

"it's okay guys i'll figure it out it was only temporary i was trying to find something to do with my camera skills from youtube guess i just didn't find it fast enough" i said looking down at my phone to see sam spamming me apologizing for his dad.

"hey oak i know this might be fast but since your really good at photography i have a proposition" jonah said as an idea stirred in his head. he called david and stepped out for two minutes the group confused as to what he was doing.

"be out photographer! you get to tour with us and hang out with us all the time come on david said as long as you send him your Pro folio your good " he said running back in. all the boys looked at me with puppy eyes causing me to laugh my butt of.

"of course and i'll help out backstage" i barley got out before the five tacked me on the couch
"i cant breathe" i mumbled causing all the boys to laugh and get off me

this is gonna be so much fun


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