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(summers pov)

i woke up to the beautiful Hawaii sun blazing through the window blinds. i look over to see Daniels side of the bed is empty.

i sat up to see daniel look at himself in the mirror fixing his hair. he turned around once he noticed i was awake and looked at me with a big smile. god i love that fucking smile.

he ran over to me tackling me back down on the bed causing me to laugh "good morning love" he said smother smothering me in kisses. "good morning goofball"

we decided that today we would go zip lining so we all go ready to meet up in the lobby at 12. i put on some biker shorts and a crop top wanting to be comfortable but somewhat picture presentable.

daniel was wearing a tie dye t-shirt and some shorts and we both had our air forces because god for bid either any of us literally i mean out of all 10 of us 10 of us wear them almost every day.

me and daniel walked down into the lobby to see jonah, corbyn, jack, evie, elizabeth, and daisy. of course zach and ivory were running late because when would they ever be on time.

we sat in the lobby for another ten minutes just chatting until we heard sneakers squeak against the floor. ivory and zach were bolting to us ivory making it first

"i'm not late HE is" she said panting pointing to zach. "i wouldn't be late if you didn't push me back in the elevator" he said also out of breath. "god you guys are perfect for each other" daisy said causing everyone to laugh.

we all walked towards the entrance to see a big bus like they have for safari trips since we were doing one today and two guys talking. jonah went over coordinating and what not because he's the dad of the group and is in charge of everything

we got in the bus and it drove for about 15 minutes until we reach a big sign that said 'safari entrance SLOW DOWN'

we were all handed a bucket full of pellets meant for animals to eat. we started to drive through seeing tigers, lions, rhinos, zebras, and elephants all of which we couldn't feel but i was able to pet an elephant scratching it off my bucket list.

then we make it to an are with giraffes. i squealed going closer to daniel as one popped his head in from the roof right down into our bucket. i took one in my hand and he gently ate it before going to the row behind us who had jack and lizzy.

a few others came for our pellets and we got to pet one since he decided to just leave his head their for a minute or two. the driver told us he was the youngest and cuddly one of the giraffes.

then we made it to the zip line area which was where we got dropped off. we were all forced to harness up ahead of time which was annoying since we had to climb up stuff with heavy gear.

daniel was making fun of me since i was the struggling the most. at one point i stopped and crossed my arms.

"what babe come on" he said reaching his hand out towards me "make fun of me again and we're fighting" i said walking past him. he felt back so the rest of the way up he was smothering me in all his cuteness apologizing and being all cuddly.

we got to the top and saw how big the zip line was. it made me a little bit nervous. jonah and daisy were up first. daisy basically leaped off and positioned her self to look like superman while jonah leaned back talking it all in

after them went zach and ivory then it was us. i was super nervous and daniel could tell. he reached for my hand which was very hard. we were only able to link pinkies. after that the guys pushed us off. i squealed and held my eyes shut

"WOOOOOO! baby look at this view" daniel yelled causing me to open my eyes. it was beautiful. the leaves and the nature all around the semi visible animals all in the forest. and the water with the sun it was just a beautiful view.

once we made it i wanted to go again causing daniel to laugh. we all went through a. few more before all heading back and deciding to do our own thing the rest of the night.

me and daniel decided to do something fun. "babe think of something fun" daniel said as we both sat on the bed trying to figure out what to do. that's when it popped in my brain

"surfing! we're going come on" i said digging through my suitcase finding my wet suit. i put on a two piece and put on my wet suit half way before calling up the front to rent out two boards while daniel got ready.

he came out with half his sweat suit on just like me and a bright smile on his face. it genuinely made me so happy to se him so happy.

we walked out with our hands intertwined as we walked all the way to the beach. we were met by two men holding two boards up and talking.

"hi! are these for summer?" i asked the guys who nodded. we grabbed them thanking them and headed out towards the water

"you ready" daniel said zipping up the rest o this suit. i nodded repeating his actions before strapping the ankle strap on and running in the water daniel following right behind me. we placed the board down paddling out till we felt it was a right place to stop

i sat up on my board looking out at the water. you could tell that the sun would start to set any minute now. daniel swam up right next to me and sat up as well looking out

"it's so beautiful" i said admiring the view "not as beautiful as you" he said causing me to laugh and elbow him "oh please don't be so cheesy" i said looking towards him

"but it's the truth" he said placing his hand on my thigh. i placed my hand on top of his and pressed a kiss onto his cheek.

that's when we heard the sound of a wave crash and noticed a beautiful wave come in. we started to paddle as fast as we could and made it on the wave.

i haven't been surfing in so long. the feeling i felt as my board glided against the water and my feet balanced up moving with the wave was exhilarating.  i missed this feeling so much it was a dream to finally have it back.

me and daniel surfed for about an hour until the sun started to fade away. we decided to quickly run back home and change into something comfy.

i grabbed daniel sweater and a pair of shorts before grabbing a blanket and running out with daniel following behind me. 

we set it down and watched the rest of the sunset. then we admired the stars pointing out how beautiful it was or goofing off and laughing at dumb jokes we made

that night we bonded so much. i didn't think their was more bonding to do but it brought us even closer.

i really love this boy

thank god he's my soulmate

i'm so happy for daniel guys you have no idea. i have know franny since i've watched jc and kian which let me tell u it's been like 6 or 7 years. when i found out that my favorite musicians and my favorite youtube's were friends my two worlds were colliding and i loved it. now that daniel and franny are together and that franny is keeping daniel happy and vise versa it makes me so happy. i love them and i seriously cant wait to see their relationship grow. and the best part is it wouldn't be possible without Corey. thank you sweet angel💙💙


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