541 17 15

(summers pov)
(1 month later)

"alright love don't have too much fun without me" daniel said kissing me on the lips before walking out the door "same goes to u bub" he smiled before walking out the door.

the boys were going with the girls to Corey's birthday party but unfortunately i haven't been feeling too good i had a pretty bad migraine and whatnot so i decided not to be a party pooper and stay.

i went over to the couch and decided to watch some criminal minds. i always could go to this show whenever because we'll every episode is different so it never gets boring. when i was three episodes in i started to feel my eyes shut and let darkness take over by body

not even 15 minutes later i got a phone call but decided to ignore it. that's when i got another call and i heard a shit ton of messages. i picked up my phone and read it off

2 missed calls corbyn
3 missed calls evie
15 messages zach
2 calls jack

what if something happened to daniel

i panicked and called him but he didn't answered. i started to grab my car keys and phone dialing him again i headed out the door.

he didn't answer so i sped off to the house and that's when i decided to call corbyn. he answered almost immediately

"corbyn what happened-" "get here right now" he said in a very worried tone. he sounded like he was crying "corbyn don't scare me like that is daniel okay?!" i said my voice starting to crack as i was on the verge of tears

"he will be when you get here" corbyn said before hanging up leaving me confused and worried as i sped down the road.

2 minutes later i sped around the corner to see daniels messy blonde hair standing half way down the block leaving me at ease knowing he was safe

but someone was being loaded into an ambulance as i parked the ambulance sped away. i quickly got out and ran out "daniel?!"

he turned around and at first i saw his eyes were red...blood shot red. then i looked down to his shirt slowly down as i got closer to him...

it was covered in blood

"s-sum-" daniel was barely able to choke out "shhh baby it's okay breathe" i said getting close to him hugging him. that's when i saw it.

the car wrecked into a tree
the cops
someone being arrested
people getting in their cars following the ambulance

"h-hes dying... he mi-ght be-" daniel sobbed. i pulled away from the hug whipping his tears.

"who baby who" i said trying to calm him down. seeing him this upset made me upset

"Corey" he choked out

i froze as Corey's name came from daniel's lips. i looked up at him shaking my head putting my hand over my mouth. he nodded and broke down again as i pulled him in a hug now both of us crying.

"we should go to the hospital come on" i said as she nodded and we walked to the car. she sat in the car. blood all over his white shirt and jeans. i looked in the back of my car to see his dark green hoodie i stole

"baby put this on" i said softly as i handed it to him. i started driving while he put it on his body throwing the bloody shirt in the back.

his leg bounced up and down and his hands ran through his hair. i put my hand on his leg causing him to stop and look up at me wheel we were at a red light

"i'm so scared" he said softly and i nodded and rubbed my thumb on his knee as he grabbed my hand "i am too but don't be he's gonna be okay" i said with a smile and kept driving till we got to the hospital

we walked in and saw everyone in the waiting room. and all we could do was sit there and wait

two hours went by and we were still waiting. "babe i'm gonna go get water okay?" i looked on my shoulder to see daniel sleeping. i couldn't move he's been stressing himself out way to much it made me nervous. i lightly called zach over and he sat next to me.

"zach what happened.." i said knowing he would be the only one to tell me. "Corey and daniel silva got in a car together they wanted to take for a spin i guess. Corey was drunk and daniel said he wasn't but he was. he crashed into a tree and a pole fell on Corey's side of the car. daniel was the first to run out with christian. daniel pulled him out of the car trying to help him and keep him comfortable and christian chased down the other daniel-" zach said but i stopped him

"wait he tried getting away with it..." i said in shock and zach nodded "and daniel was there he pulled him out of the car.." i asked causing zach to nod again.

i put my hand over my mouth holding back my cries. i needed to keep it together for daniel "i'm so mad. if only i went i should've been their for daniel sooner-" "theirs no way you could've known. right now just make sure he's okay" zach said placing a hand on my shoulder

i nodded and looked back down at him. his hair was a mess and his cheeks were tear stained. and his mouth was slightly parted. i positioned my self under daniel on the small couch in the waiting room so that he was no eating down on me comfortably. he wrapped his arms around me and continued to sleep.

we were all sitting their nervously waiting. everyone was asleep except for me, jc, kian, and corbyn. we spoke quietly trying to get out mind off of it when a doctor walked in

"people here for Corey la-" it was like an alarm clock everyone woke up and stood up
"us" everyone said causing the doctor to look at us shocked.

"please follow me" everyone followed him into a big room. when we got in everyone sat down. "okay so corey had a lot of internal bleeding and a lot of injuries and although we were able to repair those he took a huge blow to the head..." the doctor said before stopping

"no" Corey's brother said putting his hand over his mouth "i'm so sorry everyone but Corey's brain dead

he's gone..."

he was such a sweet angle. i cant belive it's been nine months as of today. he was so funny and kind and caring. i loved him and his videos. he lit up a room always. everyone misses u Corey hope your having fun up in the sky 💙

wc: 1169

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