The Dark Side of Love (Selene Gallio, aka the Black Queen)

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Spider-Man crawled on the roof unnoticed by the many people that were walking through the Hellfire's Club. He had received a mysterious letter to his address while the letter itself was directed towards Spider-Man. So it came to a shock that someone in here knew about his identity and he wanted that loose end to keep quiet about that information. So here was Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, crawling on the ceiling as he made his way into the end of the room as the letter had specified.

He was surprisingly quiet and not making a ruckus as he normally would. This was about his secret identity and he was sure as hell that he didn't want to give that kind of information to the masses yet. Peter scanned the hallway, not wanting to attract unnecessary attention to himself. He slowly crawled once more as he got nearer and nearer to the location he had to be at.

"I hope that this doesn't result in any problem for me, my private life would go from bad to worse..." Peter mumbled to himself as he watched for any guard near the entrance he had to be at. He looked at the two big doors that were in front of him. The doors were as big as Aleksei or even bigger, but it didn't mean that Peter couldn't appreciate the crimson red doors with golden tribal trims on it. It brought an elegant beauty to the door, something he was marveled by.

Peter landed on the floor without making any sound. He grabbed the golden handle that the door had before hesitating a bit. He wanted this to be done with, so he could get on with his life. He sighed, not knowing what to expect when he opened the door. He knew that he would have to do so sooner or later, probably sooner since none of the guards knew he was there. So with a final sigh he opened the door and entered the room as quick as he could.

"I see you have finally arrived, Spider-Man'' Peter could see how a black haired woman with skimpy black clothing sitting on a regal chair. Peter recognized her as the Black Queen of the trading club, Selene Gallio. Spider-Man could see how her lips curved into a smirk as he felt her eyes roam all over his body. He didn't know if he came into a trap or if the woman was way too drunk to even comprehend what she was doing. It was not that he was bad looking, but he certainly didn't attract women left and right. "Take a seat... Nothing is going to harm you, I assure you of that"

"Yeah... Why is it that I'm not convinced" Peter could see how Selene just rested her right shoulder on her leg and her face on her right palm. The luscious black lips tempting him as she licked her lips sensually. He knew that she wanted something out of him, though he didn't know what it was. "Thanks for the offer though"

"As you wish..." Selene frowned at the hero's behavior a bit, but in the end relented. She knew that he was going to act this way around her. She knew from the start that he was going to be cold towards her and probably making some of his annoying jokes. "Then I would like to go straight into why I call you here"

"Then get to it lady, because New York-"

"I want you to marry me"

"doesn't save itse... Wait... Can you repeat what you said?" Peter didn't get the time to finish his statement when Selene's statement ran through his ear. It came to a shock to the arachnid hero that someone wanted to marry him and that the sole purpose of this reunion was to unite him with the Black Queen in matrimony!

"I said that I want you to marry me" Selene repeated herself with a smirk on her face. She could see how the arachnid hero across from her was looking at her with shock in his face and while the mask covered his reaction completely, she couldn't help but imagine how said reaction would be. She knew that this would come to a shock to the hero in question but she really wanted to feel loved once more. It has been years since she was last married and she wanted to feel that once more.

"Why? I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, why not one of the Avengers?" Peter really wanted to know. It wasn't every day that someone wanted to marry him out of nowhere without trying to gain something, which had lately occurred with one of the women in his past.

"Because I know a lot about you, Peter Parker'' Selene had a frown at Peter's previous interrogatives, hating the fact that he would lower his value. Though she did gain a small smirk when she saw the lenses of his mask widen as if in shock. "The X-Men weren't the only one who had a telepath back in the day when you couldn't control that pesky power your senses provide you"

"I should have known that Frost had to do with this..." Spider-Man facepalmed, gaining a low chuckle from the young yet ancient mutant in front of him. He then remembered that all the mutants had moved to Krakoa, where all mutants were treated equally... Except if you were called Wade Wilson.

Peter had tried to talk with some of them about that situation, but they acted as if they didn't even know him. Apart from Logan who reluctantly tried to amend his relationship with the Merc with a Mouth, none of the other mutants wanted to accept Deadpool into Krakoa. It was because of this that Peter had cut ties with the X-Men, which included a pair of growling Wolverines; a sadden Hope Summers, and the tearful Red Queen.

"Yes, the White Queen is still helpful within Hellfire Club. And with the newest addition we are doing inside the club, we are going further into what we always wanted" Selene smiled quite a bit at this as she imagined a better place for mutants without the risk of other humans trying to kill them. She was even excited to be a part of this future, even if it was behind the scenes. Though what she was doing now was going to get out sooner or later, of that she knew.

"But what does this have to do with getting married?" Selene stood up, making the man in front of her tense at her sudden movement. She knew that she had to be careful in what she said next or all of her plans would go straight to the ground. She was doing this not for the Silent Council, not for the one that wanted to have a friend back in their lives, not even for the mutants living in Krakoa... But for herself and her psyche.

"I have watched you many times in the past, not even knowing who you were behind the mask, and I was always intrigued at how you kept going with even more strength than before" Selene stood in front of him, making him take a small step back. She smirked a bit, her luscious black lips shining with the light that the candles were making. "Mutants want a union between a mutant and a human to create something stronger" Selene could see that Peter seemed to agree to her statement. The slight nod to his head was a clear indication as to prove her thoughts on the matter. "Others want the union to be able to talk with you again, while others want this to happen so that they could travel out of Krakoa once more" Selene frowned a bit when she heard him sigh. He probably knew who those friends were, though she might stay quiet about a certain Red Queen wanting to be in this situation. "But I only want to feel love again, and who better than the one I have been interested for quite some time?"

"This is a lot to take in you know?" Peter said, making Selene nod at his statement. Peter wanted to say anything to refuse the union between both of them, but the more he thought about it, the less he wanted to refuse the offer. "All my life I had the worst luck when it comes to relationships, and suddenly a beautiful woman like you wants to marry me? It's a lot to take in..."

"I understand..." Selene said sincerely. She could get what he meant when he said those words. When something unexpected happens, it tends to make the other fear of what may go wrong. She knew of that pretty well, she wouldn't already be quite the woman if she didn't know all this. She was the oldest mutant around, for god's sake. "Though I wish this would change your opinion about it..."

The whisper made Peter confused, not giving the proper attention to his mask as Selene was taking it off from his head. Though as soon as he realized that he didn't have his mask, it was too late because Selene had kissed him straight at his lips. Though what shocked him more was how soft and tender the kiss was. It held no lust, just pure love. It surprised him a bit, though he started to respond to the kiss. Though it didn't last long until Selene would back away from the kiss.

"So? Are you going to accept my proposal?" Selene asked. Her only response was another kiss from the hero. It held nor lust, just like the previous kiss. And their love would transcend beyond as they enjoyed each other's company

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