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I don't think I love you anymore.
Maybe its us, or the time we had to spend apart,
or the attention you crave so badly,
but I just don't think i love you anymore

throughout the years, I wanted to see you every day
Until I did, and I wished and wished
I could finally go back home

I gave you the attention you needed
and every so often youd find the time
for me

but as we grew older
you asked more and more
yet I had nothing to ask for but time

And now, as we enter our fourteenth year,
I see you dim in my own eyes,
I can't give you the sparkle you took from me
And I dont think I love you anymore

The homework piles up,
the teachers expect the world,
and as i sit in front of a blaring computer screen,
hearing the insults and punishments hurled

School, I don't think I love you anymore

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