I Wish

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I Wish I had blue eyes
To see the world much clearer
To brighten my day and look
And have happiness look nearer

I Wish I had dark hair
A mysterious, beautiful mane
To make me stand out in a crowd
So I'm not just one more name

I Wish I was more feminine,
Girly and pretty and fun
Maybe I'd be more likable
And have a friend count more than one

I Wish I saw the world like you do
Serene and inspiring and safe
We might become good friends, I think
But I'm stuck inside my cave

I Wish my mind was free
Of the thoughts and problems galore
So I could focus on myself sometimes
And not cater to you anymore

I wish I would stop wishing
And be grateful for what I have
I can be pretty and girly and fun
But my life isn't meant for that path

I Wish you saw me wishing
I wonder what you'd say
I know you left and won't turn back
But I wonder everyday

I wonder what would go though your mind
Would you want it all to stop?
Or would you shrug it off and say
I'm way too over the top

I know youre gone and I've come to understand
But I still wonder each time the earth turns
If you remember we turn on it together
And that everyday my mind burns

I will stop wishing for you, now
I will stop wishing for you now
I will stop wishing that you'll want me now
I will stop wishing that you'll want me, now

I will stop wishing with the thought
In the corner of my head
That maybe one day you'll look at me
And wonder where life would have lead

I Wish and Wish but to no use
I know I'll be happy one day
But not without you near me
Until I don't have to say


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