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Are my emotions toiling with me or is it my stuck up stupid hormones trying to get the better of me. Ever since that striking heartfelt kiss from Jay my mind has been going haywire.

He was not trying to please anyone Ren, he was truly into it. Told you he likes you.

"Argh.... Keep dreaming girl, he is a billionaire for crying out loud and he would rather have a super model as his than you." I slightly convince myself.

This staying indoors with nothing to do but be a good girl as Jay framed it is eating me up. Have been watching E-news the latest gossips,listened to music and even slept. I have to talk to Jay about finding something to do like opening a cafe shop. I have always loved coffee.

It is already six in the evening and Maria is busy in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Maria,  what if I prepare Jay's dinner tonight am sure he will like it." I say eagerly to her as she smiles, how much she reminds me of Anna.

"Of course my dear. Come I'll show you where everything is. Do you have anything in mind? " she asks.

" Mmmh, what's his favorite?" I question already guessing the answer.

"Lasagna and steak." she replies.

I take my time preparing everything occasionally smiling whenever I think of his reaction when he realizes I had cooked for him, then the kiss which turns me as red as berries.

Later on I call Amanda to see how she is faring.

"Hey you." I state delightfully because I missed her.

"Hey, I miss you so much. How are you doing? Is Jay being an ass? Should I come teach him a lesson? Have you guys had sex already? Is he in love with you to not.......

"Amanda calm down, that's a lot of questions for one person." I answer humorously.

"Sorry I just miss you a lot." she says her in a shaky voice.

"I miss you too and no have not had sex with Jay yet." I answer quickly.

"Of all the questions have asked, did you pick up on that one alone. Ren you are becoming a very naughty girl. "Mandy concludes while chuckling.

" Well, I had guessed that the most wanted answer was that from you. Actually.... he is really nice to me... we agreed to be friends so that the contract will not be awkward." I state nervously biting on my fingers as I contemplate on how to to tell her that Jay and I kissed.

"Mmmh, am pretty sure there is something you are not telling me Mrs. Myles. Come on spit it out." Amanda insists and I regret how much she knows me even without seen me.

"I.... We..... I mean.... When....

"Stop stammering and tell me what the hell happened or so help me Lord if I come over there." Mandy angrily says.

"Jay and I kissed, and we were not in public and I think he likes me because he was whispering this things to my ear that sent shivers down my spine. Then we are sharing a bed for a while because my panic attacks are back." i hurriedly said waiting for her reaction which was me keeping the phone away from my ear because she was going to scream. Yes people my best friend is a screamer and I always have to tell her everything.

Just as I guessed she shrieks on the phone happily and am sure she is doing her happy dance right now.

"I knew it,he likes you. Am telling you he will not be letting you go after the contract because am sure he will fall for you. You are such an amazing person who wouldn't."she concludes and I can hear her sniffles.

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