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This feels so great,I thought to myself when I snuggled in more to this comfortable king sized bed.


How the hell did I get here....on this bed?

I quickly sat up scanning the room I was in and to say that I was not in a Queens kinda room would be a total lie. The wall colours were so beautiful, beige and blue and for once I thought that Jay must have known my favourite colours. The texture of the walls were so defined and the room smelt like him,so intoxicating.

My eyes drifted to the ceiling above and just the pattern of a golden and yellowish sunflower had me admiring the art. The floor was in all white tinted with black shining tiles and there was a walk in closet that screamed all royal blue. I continued my tour towards the bathroom and the tub looked like a freaking swimming pool.

When was this house built?

I hadn't even realized the smile that was plastered on my face as I tortured my beautiful eyes with each scenery in this mansion. The owner must have really used a lot of resources when building this.

Talking of the owner, where is Mr arrogant, bossy, fiancé of mine. I said this while walking down the hall and moving down stairs to look for him. How my life changed to this level I can't tell.

As I reached down some noises I presume from the living room had me tiptoeing towards it. My eyes searched the whole room and found that the reason of the commotion was Jay with some beautiful, and when I say beautiful it's beautiful kind of model. I hid behind a pillar looking at how beautiful she is but when I saw what she was doing I thought otherwise.

She had her hands all over Jay, where as Jay looked at her with pure disgust like he would vomit anytime.

"But Jay darling, I love you and we are supposed to be getting married by now. We've dated for a while now and my parents are beginning to wonder." She purred with a seductive voice.

Married? What was she talking about? At that time rage consumed me and I just thought of how stupid I am for accepting this deal. But my thoughts disappeared when I heard Jay's reply.

"What are you talking about, since when did we start dating or do you call a one night stand and few dinners as dates. I also don't care what your freaking parents think am not their nanny."  He said irritation evident on his voice.

Their argument continued on and my mind was taken back as I thought who this woman was to Jay. If they went on dinners and even had a one night stand then why would he insult her. Was this how he'll humiliate me when our deal was off in front of another woman.

I didn't even know when I was spotted by the woman in front of Jay.

"Well....well....what do we have here?" Leila's voice as I came to know brought me back to my senses. Oh no! She was approaching me. The beautiful bitch was coming towards me.

I stayed put shock written all over my face. I noticed then that Jay's attention was also on us. His face showing concern and rage.

"And who might you be sweetheart? Another one of my boyfriend's cheap slut I guess?" She asked.

"Am not a slut Miss and I am here because......" I tried defending myself but Jay cut me off. How dare this lady call me a slut is she crazy.

"She's here to play hide and seek with me Leila." Jay interrupted and I just glared at him,really hide and seek,what are we,twelve?

" You see before you interrupted me, my fiancée and I were quite busy you know, right my love?" Jay continued with his absurd answers with a wide grin on his face.

"How....what....what did you just say
....fiancée?" Leila gasped taken by surprise on Jay's answer.

Leila's eyes bore rage and anger into mine and for once I thought she was digging holes into my soul.

"Yes Leila, I am the future Mrs Myles." Jay said widely with a grin that I so much wanted to slap out of his face.

"This can not happen. When were you engaged and does she even know about your sexual active life with all the ladies you've slept with. Jay am the only one who knows you best and loves you for who you are, she's just here because of your money." She said anger evident on her voice and for once I pitied her, maybe she does love Jay not until she came charging towards me and hit me hard on my cheek that I thought otherwise.

"You bitch." She yelled and slapped me hard. I felt so humiliated that I had no strength to even face Jay. I always believe that violence does not solve anything but right now I felt like slapping the hell out of this lady for doing that,because anyway I was not even her boyfriend's real fiancée yet she humiliated me this way.

"If you dare as much lay your filthy hands on her again, trust me Leila your corpse will be regretting your actions six feet underground." Jay growled at her and to say that I was not amazed by his action would be otherwise. Did he just step in for me and defend me.

No Lauren don't be so naive he wants it to look real and good in front of everyone.

It's all because of the deal Lauren.

" you...." Leila begged him and because I did not want to be the reason for someone being strangled I pleaded with him to release her

"Let go of her Jay, you are hurting her. Look am okay." I assured him.

That's when Leila scurried away crying her eyes out. Then Jay turned towards me and when his eyes met mine I almost lost my breath, he looked lost like he was surprised at what he did.

"Be ready next week we'll be going to Paris to finalize the first deal with T.K. I'll give you all the details later together with the contract you need to sign." He said and walked away leaving me standing there.

What did you think Lauren that he'll come hugging you when his girlfriend goes.

It's all the deal working here.

"Hey" Jay's voice surprised me and I turned to see him standing outside a door I assume was his home office.

"Yes" I replied.

"Does it hurt?" He asked and I just stood there confused at his question.

"Uumh....what are you...." I intended to ask has he came towards me with slow strides.

"Your....uumh....cheek....does it hurt....let me see." He asked and I felt his fingers caress my skin, tingles came flowing through my spine as I stared at his blue eyes.

"I...what... No...I mean not much" I stuttered.

"Am sorry about Leila, she can be a bitch all the times" he apologized. And it was a genuine apology.

"It's okay I'll be fine." I assured him.

"Okay, I'll have Maria prepare something for you to eat. I'll be in office if you need anything." He said and took a step away from me.

"Thank you." I replied getting a nod from him as he strode towards his office.

Well this is going to be a whole drama freaking two months I thought to myself as I continued to explore the mansion.

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