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"What just happened in there and since when was I engaged?" I asked this absurd man as he dragged me outside the restaurant.

"Just shut up and get in the car!" he growled at me without even glancing my way. I don't know why but he seemed familiar like have seen him somewhere I just couldn't put my finger through it. I allowed him have his way because I was not ready for his drama, how can a damn multi billionaire approach me and tell the world that am his fucking Fiancee, was he mad or something.

I sat in the car with him next to me as he gave the driver a go ahead, then there was silence and the tension inside could be smelt. The stupid handsome Greek god just kept staring at me as he sighed I think contemplating on what to tell me.

I just sat there staring at her thinking of how I could strangle that beautiful neck while trailing kisses down it as I kissed those plump full lips that she kept biting down. Focus damn it , you are not supposed to be thinking of how you can take her right here, right now, I convinced myself. Then a grin formed at my lips as I thought of how I would ruin her till she came begging for her and her friend's life.

"May I ask why you are staring at me and holding me hostage in your car?" I asked him

"Well first of all am not staring at you out of good reasoning, secondly am not holding you hostage but rather trying to save your life." he said as he approached me his hand sliding past my waist to my behind while his hot warm breath fanned my face and at that time I almost felt my core tighten by that simple action.

"Miss Hopkins please remember to fasten your safety belt next time because I wont be held responsible for your death." Mr. Myles told me while I looked at those mesmerizing blue eyes. I had not even realized that I was holding my breath.

I cleared my throat looking outside the window while he moved away. "So am thinking that you have lots of questions in that mind of yours?" he asked

Then the question that had kept me thinking popped up, "do I know you because you seem really familiar and not familiar from now but from somewhere in the past?" I asked him and I felt him tense beside me.

That question to say the least I was not expecting it, I felt my heart beat rate rise but she should not find out who I was. So I laughed really hard faking it all the same just to confuse her.

"And what might be funny from what I just asked?" I stared at him with a scowl

She even looked more beautiful with that angry face, damn it Jay concentrate I thought. "Well Miss Hopkins am not at all surprised by that question, you see am pretty sure that you've seen me in magazines, TV shows that's why you are  confusing me with someone you might think you know." I convinced her and it was such a relief when she nodded.

"So Miss Hopkins I have an offer for you." Mr. Myles stated

"What is it?" I contemplated before going through.

And the next words that came from his mouth had me nearly choking from my saliva, " I want to you to be my fiancée more like my hired fiancée." he continued

"Wh....what did you just say?" I asked him perplexed at his audacity.

"You heard me Miss Hopkins I want you to act as my Fiancee for two months and be assured that I will pay you well." he continued to bluff as I just stare at him.

"No I will not take the offer, thank you sir." I angrily told him. What was he taking me for, a desperate woman in need of a job to even go to the extend of pretending to be his Fiancee.

"Well Miss Hopkins you don't have much of a choice because as far as I know you just lost your job and trust me you won't be getting any job anywhere once I make some few calls." he told me smirking. I couldn't believe what this man was telling me and if he was another person I would see it as a joke but no this was the mighty Jayden Myles, a man that could make rocks bend by just a snap of his fingers.

Then the absurd of my replies came out. " Well am sorry but I have a boyfriend." I told him crossing my arms over my chest. The guy just laughed, he laughed at me and to say that it didn't sent shivers down my spine then I'll be damned.

"Oh Miss Hopkins please stop being funny I know very well that you broke up with your man five or four years ago." he told me

I looked at how she stared at me shocked at my statement and before she asked me how I knew I guess she figured it out and kept silent. "So I guess that you will be accepting the offer my lovely Fiancee." I mocked her. Loving the irritation forming on her face and how she pouted her lips.

"Yes but its only for two months and then I'll not be seen your stupid ugly face." I retorted not feeling the least of regret at calling him that, though the ugly face was a lie because damn was he handsome.

"Am telling you that no one ever speaks that way to me but I'll pardon you because you are my Fiancee. "I told her chuckling.

I had not realized that we were already at my apartment, and how the hell did he know, well never mind. "Miss Hopkins I hope I'll be seen you tomorrow in the afternoon to finalize everything as you'll be moving in with me." he said catching me off guard. I was about to protest when he kissed me shushing me. The kiss was intense and deep that after he finished I had to catch my breath.

"See you tomorrow, pack everything that belongs to you I will be picking you up." I said to her as I saw the amusement in her face. I don't know what drove me to kiss those lips but damn she was biting her bottom lip and it was the only way she could agree to my terms. My driver Caleb came over to open up the door for her as I gave her sweet grin then sped off.

I watched as the car left and disappeared down the road as I thought of how I was going to explain to Amanda why I'll be moving out. Just then my phone rang before I entered my house and without looking at the caller ID I answered.

"My love please make sure no one knows of our agreement or offer it is supposed to be real. Have a good day and don't miss me much." he said as while chuckling then ended the call.

I stood there wondering how I had gotten to this point in life, was fate shitting me.



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