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It is a Saturday morning and me waking up today is my best moment. I could not help smiling as I remembered my conversation with Jay on Thursday and how things progressed.

After Nick told me about his past life, how he got betrayed by his friends and how he has trust issues then I began to understand this man. He was just afraid of opening up.

Even though Nick didn't get into full details about what happened I just know that it hurt him too much.

I took a shower quickly and put on my short shorts and tank top. Heading downstairs to take breakfast I am met with Maria's finest cooking. The sweet aroma hitting my nostrils.

"Good morning Maria" I stated happily

"Good morning my sweet girl. Did you sleep well?" She asked with much enthusiasm.

"Yes I did Maria. What are you making for breakfast?" My stomach growled and I had to smile back.

"Pancakes and waffles. Come sit down I'll get you some." She replied, she is so nice and kind.

"Mmmmh yummy, thank you Maria." I greedily dived into my food not aware of the presence behind me.

"I'll go slow if I were you, there's plenty of that." That familiar voice chimed from behind me and I could smell his Cologne.

"I am so hungry, sorry." I apologized feeling embarrassed.

"I was just joking, it's just of all the ladies have met none have this huge appetite of yours." Jay said smiling

"Am not all the ladies, Jay. Come join me for breakfast." I replied

"Waffles?" He asked rather surprised

"Am sorry sir, I'll make you something else." Maria pleaded rushing to start up something

"No Maria, I'll take what Lauren is having." He concluded

"But sir, you don't take waffles, I'll just......

"No Maria, it's fine." I insisted

Then I laughed. Yes I just had to laugh out loud at this moment.

"Anything funny Miss Hopkins?" He asked amused

"No, you sound funny when you argue with Maria about food. In my place we didn't argue about food whatever mother Anna bought on the table is what we ate. She would give you this look when you didn't even dare to take a bite of what she made, there was this time she made lasagna and forgot to add salt, so she started crying so we had to eat it to make her feel better, we even.......

" My sweet girl why are you crying?" Maria asked bringing me back from my daze.

"Crying? Who's crying?"I asked because I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yes Ren,crying." He stated as he wiped the tears off my cheeks that I realized I got emotional about mother Anna.

"Am sorry, I just remembered her. It's been long." My reply came fast because I was holding my breath with how close Jay was.

"Well, we can go visit her if you like." And when this statement came out of his mouth, I could not hold it anymore. I started to sob. "What happened Ren?" He asked worry laced all over him.

"She's not here.....she's gone....forever." I sobbed heavily.

"Of course I know that, we'll go visit her grave site." Jay said soothingly.

"How do you know she's...... Ooh yes...but it's really far." I said crying even more.

" I know that and I'll arrange everything." He concluded with a grin I so liked.

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