Chapter 1 - The Aesthetic Appeal of a Lime Spritzer

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A/N:  I'm back with another story!  Again, I am going to try something different, so here is my first WangXian story.  Please be gentle with me as I find taking characters that have already been so wonderfully written and writing them in my own story to be difficult.  So if they are OOC in this alternate universe (modern times), I do apologize.  Thanks so much for reading!  Updates on Wednesdays.


The ring was simple in its design, there were no engravings, and definitely no gemstones, it was nothing more than a simple platinum band. Lan Wangji had taken it off his finger, lost deep in thought as he stared down at it. He ran his finger along the edge of it, flipped it deftly and ran his fingers around the other side. He knew what this ring represented; it was a vow he had taken exactly three years ago today to always be with Luo Qingyang. The ring represented a promise to stay by her side, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to encourage her during times of distress, and to be her partner for life – those were the words he had spoken.

When he had said the words, he knew what they had meant, the weight of the responsibility he was taking on. However, like life often did, it had thrown them for a loop. Three years ago he had been in the Cloud Recesses Banquet Hall celebrating his nuptials surrounded by well-wishers, and today he was sitting all alone in a bar.

He put the ring back on and then took it off again, and not for the first time wondered if he should continue wearing it.  When worn, the ring felt like a vise clamped around his entire being and not just his finger. He shook his head sadly; the fates had been cruel to him and Qingyang. The bitterness he felt sat at the back of his throat and he reached for his seltzer, finishing the last of it.

"Can I get you another seltzer with lime?" a bright and cheery voice inquired.

Lan Wangji's head snapped up and he startled at the wide smile of the bartender standing in front of him. He stared for a second uncomprehending. This had not been the man that had served him his drink earlier. With a glance down the long length of the bar, Lan Wangji realized he was the only one there. All the other patrons had left and for all intents and purposes the bar looked to be closed, the only lights left on came from the backlight of the onyx countertop and the light behind the bar.

The man must have noticed his apparent confusion. "The bartender's shift ended so I let him go for the night. However, I'll be happy to get you another seltzer," the man said while staring at him with what appeared to be genuine interest.

When was the last time someone had smiled at him like this? Had looked at him like they actually cared? He quickly brushed away the thought refusing to dive into the deep pool of self-pity. Plus he had met with Xichen last month and he had gazed at him with the love and concern of a doting older brother. "I... sorry, are you closed?" Lan Wangji said, suddenly apologetic. He slipped the ring back onto his finger and shifted his weight, preparing to slip off the barstool, when he felt a warm hand on his forearm.

"No please, let me get you another drink," the man said, gently.

Maybe if it had been any other day Lan Wangji would have jerked his arm away and raced out of the bar, but today he was drowning in the depth of his loneliness and this man's warm smile felt like a lifeline.

The man removed his hand and turned to prepare the drink after Wangji had nodded and resettled himself onto his seat. As the man went about retrieving the ice and the lime, Wangji noticed how he wasn't wearing the uniform that all the waiters and bartenders of Yiling Sky Lounge usually wore. Instead of the traditional black slacks and red button down shirt, this man was wearing black skinny jeans, that hugged his long legs, and a black V-neck long sleeve t-shirt, displaying the elegant ends of his collarbones. Although simple, the fit and fall of his clothes bespoke their quality and cost, and this was confirmed when Wangji caught sight of the embroidered insignia on the hem of the man's shirt. It was a small purple lotus indicating the shirt was from the prestigious design house, Lotus Pier, a fashion house run by a brother and sister who had silenced all the critics with the style and quality of their garments when they had inherited the failing company upon the passing of their parents. Their bold decision to hire Nie Huaisang and another eccentric unnamed designer had paid huge dividends in the end.

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