Chapter 2: Healer of Hearts

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A/N: Updates are usually every Wednesday, but for this week I will be posting an extra chapter on Friday.  First, it is to celebrate CNY and secondly because I expanded this story by adding another chapter.  I can't promise I won't expand it by another, but for now the chapter count sits at 8.


It was 7am and the Cardiology department was already busy by the time Lan Zhan arrived at the hospital. It was always busy at this time as the crossover between the night shift and day shift happened. He greeted the nurses and doctors with a nod as they hurried by him and if he was a bit tired from being out late last night, it did not show in his demeanor. Nobody would know he had to drag himself out of bed this morning, dreading having to get through another day. It wasn't until he had completed his morning routine of exercise and mediation that he felt settled enough to drive to work. With a tumbler filled with his favourite tea, he rushed down the corridor to his office and was met by Wen Ning who had a tablet in hand with all of his appointments for the day.

"Dr. Lan?" Wen Ning said, hesitantly.

Lan Zhan looked up from the tablet expectantly.

"Dr. Wen was here to see you earlier," Wen Ning continued. "Your first appointment isn't for another 20 minutes... you still have time..."

With a quick nod, Lan Zhan passed the tablet back to Wen Ning. "Please place it on my desk. I'll be back in 15." He checked his phone on his way down to neurology. Wen Qing had not messaged or called this morning so whatever she had come by for was not an emergency. Perhaps she needed consultation on a patient? Or maybe... Lan Zhan picked up his pace as his anxiety built. As he rounded the corner, he saw Wen Qing striding towards him.

"Dr. Wen," he greeted.

"There you are Dr. Lan," she replied.

Lan Zhan could feel his heart begin to race. "Is it ..." he couldn't bring himself to finish.

"Oh no," Wen Qing said, quickly. "I'm sorry if I alarmed you. There has been no change in Qingyang's status."

He let out a huge breath and tried to steady the erratic array of feelings within himself. "Then..." he said.

"I came to see you." Wen Qing frowned. "You looked upset yesterday when you were in there with her."

He looked to the direction of Qingyang's room "It was our anniversary yesterday."

Wen Qing nodded in understanding. "Wangji, I'm sorry."

Lan Zhan shook his head. "You're doing your best."

She pursed her lips as if to say she felt differently. "Did you want to go see her?"

Lan Zhan shook his head. "I'll come back later. My first patient will be here in a few minutes." It was part of his daily routine to come down and have his lunch by Qingyang's side and then at the end of the day he would come see her again before leaving the hospital.

"Okay," Wen Qing said. Sometimes if she had a moment, she would join him for lunch in Qingyang's room.

Lan Zhan hurried back to his office where he methodically compartmentalized all that had happened in the morning and proceeded to see his first patient.  It would be a long day and he couldn't allow any wayward thoughts or overwhelming emotions distract him from doing his job to the best of his ability.

After seeing his last patient of the day, Lan Zhan had stayed to review some files and go over some tests and diagnostics. It was approaching 6:30 when Wen Ning tapped lightly on his open door and stuck his head in. "Dr. Lan, would you like me to order you some dinner before you go?"

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