Chapter 4 - People on High Horses...

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A/N Thanks for staying with me through this journey as I take aspects from The Untamed and twist them to suit my story. I took "everyday is everyday" and put a totally different spin on it in the last chapter... I should apologize to the purists, but I won't.  If you hate it, please just move on, don't leave me a nasty comment.  

I also left the title open for this chapter so you, the reader, can decide how to complete that sentence.


Wei Ying had been quiet throughout lunch. In fact, he had been quiet since Lan Zhan came out of Qingyang's room to see him sitting with Wen Qing. Lan Zhan wasn't sure what they had spoken about, but he knew whatever was said had Wei Ying distracted and distant. It was Wei Ying's withdrawal that had Lan Zhan's stomach twisted in a knot. He had become accustomed to Wei Ying's tactile nature; Wei Ying stretching across the table with a napkin to wipe something off his mouth, or reaching to pat his hand in consolation, or even nudging his foot under the table to get a reaction from one of his absurd jokes. All of that was missing today.

He was still reserved even as they strolled through the market after lunch. While he usually flitted from one stall to another picking up items, today he walked calmly, lost in thought and barely even looking at the stalls that they walked past. His hands were clasped behind his back and he chewed on his bottom lip pensively.

A stall with colourful kites caught Lan Zhan's eye and he stopped to admire them, picking one up in the shape of a dog. He called out to Wei Ying to get his attention and he turned, startled as he hadn't noticed Lan Zhan was not beside him. Lan Zhan held up the kite to show him. "For Jin Ling," he said.

Wei Ying's face broke into a grin and Lan Zhan's heart soared. It was the first time since the hospital Wei Ying had even smiled. Wei Ying closed the distance between them with three steps. "It's perfect, Lan Zhan," he said, softly.

The kite was paid for and placed safely in a bag for them to carry. When Lan Zhan insisted on carrying the bag, Wei Ying acquiesced, and then as if coming to some sort of decision, he reached out and took Lan Zhan's free hand in his and tugged him towards the waterfront. "Let's go for a walk on the boardwalk," Wei Ying said.

The fall breeze along the waterfront was a little cooler, but neither of them seemed to mind. They walked silently for a few moments before he felt a small squeeze on his hand. Lan Zhan shifted his attention from the waterfront to Wei Ying.

"It's my birthday next week," Wei Ying said. "My 31st on the 31st."

Lan Zhan didn't respond until he felt Wei Ying tense up and begin to pull away. "We should have dinner to celebrate," he said.

"You want to take me to dinner?" Wei Ying asked sounding slightly shocked.

"Mn," Lan Zhan confirmed. "It's Wei Ying's birthday."

"Oh wow, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said. "We've only ever done lunch before."

This was true, they had only done lunch and neither had treated the other to a meal before as they had always split the bill. "I will choose the restaurant and I will treat Wei Ying to dinner."

The silence stretched between them even as they sauntered towards the parking lot. Wei Ying had again turned pensive and Lan Zhan wasn't sure how to react.  He wanted to reach out a hand to stop Wei Ying from walking and to ask what was bothering him, but he couldn't muster the courage to do it.  The closer they got to their destination, the further away from Wei Ying he felt.  When it was time to part ways, Wei Ying reached out to take the bag with Jin Ling's kite in it. "You shouldn't be so nice to me Lan Zhan," Wei Ying whispered.

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